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Holy shit I'm already on chapter 12... And sorry I haven't updated in a while... I hope you guys are ok, considering what day it is... *cries*


Sure enough, after 15 minutes, Gerard pulled up right in front of me.

"Hey sugar, need a lift? I have candy..." He teased.

"I only like blow-pops... Do you have any of those?" I smirked looking at him through the open window.

"I think I have one in the back... Let me check..." He looked down at his lap and then back at me before we both burst out laughing. His laugh was really cute, and when he laughed it made me laugh even harder. "So," he stopped laughing, "tell me what happened with your parents."

I sighed, "Well, we went out to dinner at Johnny's pizzeria, and my dad kept asking me if there were any girls I liked. I, very politely might I add, told him I really didn't fancy anyone yet. He laughed and said 'of course you have! You're an Iero' and I just looked down and shrugged it off. He asked again and I snapped. I stood up and yelled at them and told them I was gay. And then I just walked out, without even a second glance." I shot him a glance before I started fiddling with my fingers.

"Wow... That took a lot of guts to do. I'm proud of you."

"Proud?! I just yelled at my parents, told them I was gay, caused a scene, and then left. I'm a coward at best, and they're probably going to kick me out now. They have zero tolerance for 'faggots'. Ugh, I'm gonna be sick!" I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face- I hate my face. I'm sick of seeing it, but I'm allowed to be sick of it cuz it's my fuckin' face!

"Frank," I didn't look up. "Frank, look at me." I continued to hide my face in my knees, "Frank!" He slammed on the brakes, causing me to fly forward.

"What," I mumbled rubbing my head, still not looking at him.

"Look. At. Me."

I looked at him- tears staining the still prominent bruises on my face, "Happy?"

"Yes. Don't be so hard on yourself about this. You did what you had to do. Don't be upset or guilty about it. Regret is such a useless emotion, and guilt tripping yourself about it doesn't help. I'm proud that you stood up to your parents. I may not know you that well, but it is still a very hard thing to do. Now, stop crying, dry your eyes, and smile. Because what's done is done. It's in the past, and you deserve to be happy." He passed me a reassuring look.

"Happy? I haven't been happy in a long time." I gave a dry, lifeless laugh.

He passed me a weary look. The rest of the ride was silent.

When we pulled in the driveway, I climbed out of the car without so much of a glance in Gerard's direction. I made my way to the door and stood there with my head down waiting for him. He didn't come. After 5 minutes of standing there, I looked up to see him leaning against his car staring at me. I looked at him for mere seconds before he turned and started walking straight into the woods- in all honesty it's amazing how someone as gay as him can still walk straight.

I watched as he disappeared into the trees before saying a mental 'fuck it' and went after him. When I first entered the woods, I couldn't find him. But soon enough I heard his footsteps a little ways ahead of me. I jogged a bit to catch up to him, but he didn't stop or even slow down his pace.

"Gerard!" He didn't cast me so much as a glance. "Gerard where are we going?" Again I got nothing. "Please just look at me and tell me where we're going." I stopped in my tracks.

He stopped, but didn't face me, "Just walk." He started walking again. What the hell? I stood there for a few more seconds before giving up and following him in deeper to the woods.

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