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*trigger warning :/*

The woman that I wanted nothing to do with stepped inside, smiling slightly as she stood near the foot of my bed, "Hi, Frank. I know you probably don't want to see me, but I was worried sick. I heard you were in the hospital and... I'm just glad you're alright."

"Go away. You made it perfectly clear that you don't want me in your life, and the orphanage that I currently reside in is proof of that. Now, kindly fuck off." I snapped, not caring as the woman I once knew recoiled at my language.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way, young man!" She yelled.

"I can talk to you however the fuck I want! You aren't my mom, and you never were. So please, leave. Do yourself a favor, because I can assure you that you aren't gonna like what I'll say to you if you stay!" I matched her tone, satisfied that she actually looked disheartened. I sat up and rubbed temples, "please, just go." And without another word, she left.

The nurse appeared, "Are you alright? That woman looked pretty upset..."

"I'm fine. I'm going to rest for a while. If Gerard or Emma come back, please let them in. I don't want to see anyone else." I sighed, allowing myself to sink back into the crisp white sheets.


"Frankie... Frank, wake up. It's time to go..." I awoke to see Gerard standing over me, a small smile in his face. "C'mon, I've already checked you out and everything, you're free to go," he put a hand on my shoulder, steadying me as I turned to let my feet hang over the edge of the bed.

"Are there crutches or something anywhere..? It's gonna be hard to walk..." I trailed off, my gaze raking over the room for anything I could use, but without luck.

"Already in the car, and I figured I could just carry you there." He grinned at me, clearly pleased with himself, "I also got instructions for your face and stuff and how to take care of you. Oh, and I called the school, you won't have to go back until the thirteenth... So next Friday."

"Of course. Of course it's Friday the thirteenth." I grimaced.

"Cmon Frank, you don't really believe in all that mumbo-jumbo, do you? That's like believing in psychics... Can you imagine? 'Oh, hi, I'm Maya the psychic!' That's ridiculous, Frank." Gerard mocked.

"Actually, I do believe in all that 'mumbo-jumbo.' I mean, vampires exist, why not psychics and unlucky things?" I questioned. "Honestly, Gerard, the only ridiculous thing here is you."

He scoffed, picking me up, "Yeah, whatever. Got all your stuff?"

"It was in my bag that was on that chair, is it in the car?" I asked, peering around the room.

"Yerp," and with that, Gerard carried me all the way from my room, downstairs, past the receptionist and into the parking lot, bridal style. The fucker.

He put me in the car and then began the short drive back to his home in the woods. I rested my head on the window, wondering how I ever ended up like this. When I was young boy, I never would have imagined my life being anywhere close to where I was now, but I'm glad it is. If it wasn't, then I wouldn't know Gerard, and he made all of this worth it. He made it alright that my parents disowned me, he made it alright that I have to live in an orphanage, he made it alright that I get beaten up on a fairly regular basis, he made it alright that I... That I tried kill myself a few months ago, but he doesn't know that, and that's alright, too. He doesn't need to, it would only upset him. I care about Gerard, more than anyone I have ever met, and I've met at least 20 people. I think I.. I think that I might... Love him... No, I can't. I don't. I... Fuck-

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