Chapter 8...

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Hai. How you guys doin?


I stood outside my door with my phone pressed tightly to my ear. It had rang at least 5 times by now, there's no way he's gonna pick up. I was foolish for even calling him.

I looked around at my bleak surroundings. It was only 6:50, so it was still kind of dark outside. None of the other houses that I could see had any lights on, lucky bastards.

"Hello? Frank?" The voice startled me. I hadn't actually expected him to pick up the phone.

"Oh.. Uh- hey! Sorry for calling so early, I just uh.. Don't laugh, okay?" I stuttered out.

"Alright. I won't laugh," he responded with a voice devoid of emotion. "Out with it."

"I.. Um. I missed my bus this morning, and both my parents are at work right now... And it's my first day of school here, so I really don't want to have to walk and be super late, and I was just won-"

"-dering if I could give you a ride? Is that all Frankie? I'll be there soon," I could hear him suppress a laugh before the line went dead. Asshole. Ok, I'll admit- he's a nice asshole for taking me to school.

I put in my earbuds and waited for Gerard to show up. 'Gone Away' by the Offspring started to play. Hell to da yeah. I stood in my driveway 'enjoying' the early morning when Gerard's car pulled up outside the house. I grabbed my bag and he reached over and opened the door for me.

"Hey. Thanks for the ride, really, I owe you one," I shot him a grateful smile and buckled my seatbelt.

"No problem... I was up anyway. Ya' know, if you want I could take you to school everyday? I mean, I'm up anyway, my car is better than a bus, you get to sleep a bit longer, and I rather enjoy your company." He gave me a sideways smile as he started driving down the long road.

I honestly didn't know what to think of that- I mean, I hardly knew him, yet I knew him better than anyone else in this damn town. My parents wouldn't care, they're at work by the time he would get here. And, come to think of it, I rather enjoyed his company as well.

"Are you sure it's not a problem? I mean, I really don't want to impose, or-"

"Nonsense!" He cut me off. "It would be my pleasure." He flashed me a genuine smile and I returned it. Who knows, maybe it could be kinda fun.

We rode in silence the rest of the trip until he pulled up outside the school at 7:07, "Will you need a ride home later, or..?"

"I was planning on walking, but if you don't mind..." I started slowly.

"Not at all. What time do you get out, sugar?" He smirked.

"2:10. And thanks again, Gerard. It really means a lot." I grabbed my bag and got out, closing the goddamn door behind me. I gave him a small wave and he nodded in response. I watched him pull away and drive off, "See ya later, Gerard..." I muttered to myself.


I walked into school and headed to the front office to pick up my schedule, "First period with... Mr. Armstrong. How bad can it be?" I chuckled to myself before heading out to my first lesson.

"Hey look guys, a newbie. What's your name, fag?" Some kid in a letter and jacket snarled.

"It's Frank, dipshit. And seriously, 'fag'? Is that the best you could come up with? It's my first day here, and I can already tell what a dumbass you are." I shot back. His face turned bright red before he whispered something to his posse and they left. Ha. I win.


"Fuck. Where is the damn class?" I searched the map of the school again, unable to pinpoint Mr. Armstrong's room. I wasn't paying attention while walking, which probably wasn't the brightest idea. "Ah-haAAHHH," I yelled as I ran into something- or someone rather. "Oh my god, I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention, and I was lost and I- just... Sorry..." I tripped over my pathetic excuse for an apology.

"Hey, no worries man. It happens to the best of us." He gave me a big smile almost as big as his forehead. "So are you lost or something? Cuz I can help you out. Here, lemme see your schedule." I passed it over to him and he scanned it quickly, "Awesome! We have 4 classes together. First, second, lunch, and sixth." I smiled, at least something good came out of me bumping into a stranger. "The bell's about to ring, do you want me to take you to first period?"

"Yes please." And off we went(z).


As we were walking, a thought popped into my head, "Hey, um. What's your name?" God, I sound like an idiot.

"Oh. Duh. Sorry, I'm Brendon, and you are..?" He trailed off.

"Frank." We formally shook hands and exchanged awkward glances and the occasional comment until we got to class.

"Mr. Urie... Is there any particular reason you're late today?" The teacher asked as we walked into the room.

"Yep. And his name is Frank." He gave me a small push forward and I waved awkwardly, "He's a new student."

"Alright. You know I'm just fuckin with you. Take a seat. C'mere a minute, please, Frank." He smiled at me and looked down at his roster as Brendon weaseled his way to the back of the room. "My name is Mr. Armstrong, but, you can call me Joe. Or Billie Joe. Whichever you prefer, it really doesn't matter to me. I'll get Brendon to get you caught up and then you're good to go. Take a seat," he nodded to the lines of desks that were about 2/3 full of students.

"Ok..." I mumbled before making my way to the back of the room beside Brendon.

"Joe's a pretty cool guy- you'll like him," Brendon stated before starting to copy notes from the bored. "There aren't too many cool people in this class, but there's some next period and at lunch. Just stick with me and you'll be golden," he winked.

I smiled and took out a folder to copy down the notes. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...


Wattpad is still being a little bitch so I'll have to go back and edit this later. Please comment/vote - it is much appreciated. (Stay fabulous, killjoys)

Merci pour le venin

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