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The last chapter was complete shit. Ugh. Oh well, too late now.


"I'm gonna go to bed..." I muttered these few words to the man stood opposite me before laying down in my new bed. This was all a dream. It had to be. And I would wake up in the morning back in Ohio with my parents, and I could forget about vampires, and Bert, and Gerard, and the orphanage, and life. And maybe, just maybe, things could go back to normal. Because this, whatever it was, couldn't possibly be real. I slipped under the covers of the bed in the orphanage with one intention- sleep. If I could fall asleep, this world will disappear, and, if I'm lucky, I'll go with it. But as a man with ice-cold skin slipped into the bed with me, I was reminded of just how real all of this was.


He was gone when I woke up. Maybe I imagined it- scratch that, I did imagine it. I was still in the orphanage, but Gerard was nowhere in sight. For once, I was kind of glad. Vampires don't exist- I was tired and had a long day and my mind had played a simple trick on me. I just need to forget the whole ordeal.

I sat up and stretched before realizing that it was in fact Monday. And I had school. Well, if anything will take my mind off things, then I guess that's it.

I made my way to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of grey skinny jeans and a Slayer shirt before heading out of my room and into the bathroom to take a shower. Thankfully, I was the only one there because of how early it was. I'm not one for waking up early, but it takes me some time to wake myself up and get myself ready for school. I entered the small room and started the shower before slipping off my night clothes and getting out a towel from the closet. I stuck my arm inside the shower and waited until I was satisfied with the temperature so I could get inside. God, I was dreading school.


I was on the bus. As it turns out, there are only three other high schoolers that live in the orphanage. There was one guy named Ronnie who seemed way to big for his britches, a girl named Maya who was kind of... Off. She claimed she was psychic and tried to read my palm. And then there was a girl named Emma. She was pretty quiet, but she had a similar attire to me and a purple ombre in her hair. She sat just in front of me on the bus and had the room next to mine in the orphanage. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad if I had a friend...

I pushed the idea to the back of my head and decided it could wait until later. I had bigger issues at hand- such as the fact that Bert was waiting at the next bus stop. Fuck. I ducked my head in the hopes that he wouldn't see me when he got on the bus, but that hope was quickly diminished as I felt someone take the seat next to me.

"Hello, Frankie..." He snarled quietly. "Did you miss me? 'Cause I missed you..."

"No, Bert. I did not miss you. Please don't call me Frankie." I snapped.

"So, Frankie... You're riding the bus now? What, your little boyfriend got tired of taking you?"

"No. I just felt like taking the bus, asshole." I shot him a glare.

"Oh, if you say so. Someone isn't in a very talkative mood today... Well that's okay. Me and you will talk later- alone." He patted my back before ducking towards the back of the bus where a few of his friends were sat. Of course it's my fucking luck that I have to ride with Bert.

We got to school after a few more minutes and I bolted inside- not wanting to see or talk to anyone really. I simply made my way to Mr. Armstrong's class and took a seat in the back of the room, and it was early enough for it to just be me and him.

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