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Hallo u bootiful peoplez


Franks P.O.V.

"Hey! What's up? I have some new people for you to meet..." Brendon greeted me with far too much enthusiasm for this early in the morning. "Frank, meet Andy, Joe, Dallon, and Oli." They each sent me a wave as Brendon pointed them out.

"So... You're the new kid, huh? Honestly I thought you'd be taller," Dallon chuckled. "Nah I'm just messin' with you. Welcome to hell!" The others giggled a bit as Dallon laughed. After a few more minutes of getting to know my new friends, we each dispersed to our 1st classes.

--- (time lapse to lunch bc I'm lazy)

After 4th period, I walked with Patrick and Andy (or as I like to call them 'the ginger twins') to lunch. We met up with Ryan, Brendon, Dallon, Oli, and last but not least- and probably the most cool- Joe. I've accepted that I'm not cool, and I'm okay with that. In fact, it makes me happy that I'm still uncool. I never want to be cool.

"Hey guys, me and Ryan are gonna go ahead and go outside. So come out when you've got your food and stuff," Brendon called to us before disappearing with Ryan outside.

"God, they always do this. Can't they keep their tongues in their own mouths for one second?!" Dallon muttered before heading to the pizza line.

"Wait... So are they, like, dating? Or..?" Apparently I'm more out of the loop than I previously thought.

"Yeah. They've been going out for about a year and a half now. They're a cute couple, but it does get kind of annoying." Oli sighed before catching up to Dallon. I wasn't too hungry, so I talked to the ginger twins while they waited in line.

After everyone had gotten their food, our 'group' made its way outside to where Brendon and Ryan were sucking face. It was kind of disgusting- unless you ship it of course- then it's totally adorable and you could read about it all day.

"Guys! PDA!" Oli shouted as we approached the table. The two pulled apart and Brendon burst out laughing while Ryan turned a bright shade of red. "We go through this every damn day. C'mon, it's not funny anymore," Oli sighed as he took a seat between Ryan and Patrick.

"I don't know... I think a few more days wouldn't hurt," Brendon winked at Ryan, causing him to turn an even deeper shade of red.

"Ugh. Get a room you two!" Dallon picked at the food on his tray. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was upset about something. But, then again, I did just meet the guy.

"Oh, honey, we already have one, and I bet you'd love to see what we do in there." Brendon smirked as Dallon pulled a disgusted face. Ryan put his head down on the table as the rest of us laughed our asses off. Dallon disappeared after that remark, though I'm not entirely sure why.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I caught a glimpse of something near the field house- something vaguely familiar. "I'll uh- be right back..." I mumbled before standing up and starting to leave.

"Dude, where are you going?" Oli asked, but I ignored him. I needed to know what I saw by the field house.

As I walked closer, the dark shape disappeared behind the building. Fucking hell. I turned the corner and came face to face with none other than the leader of the dicks- Bert. I peered around him and saw the rest of his posse glaring daggers at me. I repeat- fucking hell.

"How nice of you to join us, Iero. We were just starting to think you wouldn't show up," he grinned at me. I was suddenly very aware of all the bruises he had left on me the day before. "Why don't you come over here for a second. I want to show you something."

"Fuck off, Bert. Just leave me alone," I turned and started to leave, but I was suddenly pulled back and into the ground. "I said fuck off!" I yelled, struggling to break the grip of the imbeciles around me.

"And I said I want to show you something. Now, get over here." I was pulled up by the hair and brought towards Bert, "I don't take kindly to faggots like you and your friends in my school. Them, I can deal with- they know that I'm in charge here. You, however, don't know when to stop."

"You aren't in charge, and I'm not a faggot. I'm gay, there's a difference. Learn it, asshat-" I spat, but was soon cut off.

"Shut your fucking mouth before I shut it for you!" The same sensation that I experienced yesterday overtook me as Bert punched me straight in the jaw. I felt my body go limp as some of Bert's friends held me up.

"Get the fuck off of him! Now!" I looked up expecting to see someone from the lunch table who followed me here. But the eyes I met were none other than Gerard Way's.

"And just who the hell are you?" I heard one of Berts friends ask.

"Doesn't matter. What does matter, though, is that you leave him the fuck alone." Bert's friends laughed and I heard Gerard move towards them. The guy that was holding me dropped me and my head hit the concrete. The last thing I saw before everything blacked out was Gerard knocking Bert straight to the ground in one swift movement.


Hi. Do you guys like how the story is going? Any suggestions..?

Please comment/vote. I love you all- and every time I see a notification about this story I get like really excited and shit and I read every comment and yeah. I love you all :3 stay fabulous, killjoys.

Merci pour le venin

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