Chapter 10. Ily all.

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How ya doin? I didn't edit this btw...


Fuck. My head really fucking hurt. What happened? I tried to open my eyes to look around, but a stark white light flooded my vision and practically blinded me. I winced and squeezed my eyes shut tight again. Fucking hell. I could hear the faint murmurs from people around me, but I couldn't make out any specific voices or words.

"Hey, guys I think he's waking up." Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching my bed and I peeked one eye open to see Patrick and an older looking woman.

"C'mon deary, let's sit you up." I heard the woman ask. Keeping my eyes closed, I slowly began to lift my upper body and turn myself so I was facing out. Thoughts from what happened slowly started to resurface- Bert, the bathroom floor, blood, hours of hoping someone would find me, pain. Shit. I quickly rubbed a hand over my face and torso to feel for any swelling or bruising- my entire right side ached. And my face was still pretty puffy. "That's good. Just sit tight and I'll get you some pain killers." The nurse muttered before disappearing.

"You okay, man? You looked pretty rough when we found you." Brendon came over from one of the chairs, "Bert got you good, huh?"

"Somethin' like that. To be honest I don't remember most of it. I just remember walking into the bathroom after class and being nearly choked out. Then just a lot of blood and pain. And now I'm here. Thanks, for uh, coming to find me and stuff." I mumbled just as the nurse came back with my medication.

"No problem. We'll always be there to pick you up when fall- or, in this case, get beaten to a bloody pulp." Brendon chuckled.

"Gee, thanks..." I said sarcastically. "What time is it?"

"1:57, you were out for a while. And we leave in like 15 minutes. Do you want a ride home or..?" Ryan offered.

"Nah. I got one. Thanks though, seriously," I don't know what I would have done if they hadn't found me when they did. Actually, I do. I would have laid on the ground in a pile of my own blood like the pathetic loser I am.

"Alright. Well we're heading out. See you tomorrow," Brendon waved as the three of them walked out. I gave a small wave before slumping back down onto the bed. Sleep sounded so nice right now, but I can't. I have to meet Gerard after school. And sleep, just sleep, the voices in my head called out to me. But, they were ignored, yet again.

After collecting my bag and making sure my face wasn't that fucked up, I made my way outside to wait for Gerard. Sure enough, at exactly 2:10, he came around the corner and slowed down right in front of me.

"Want some candy, little boy?" He laughed as I reached for the handle, but just as I reached for it, he pulled foreword. Asshole.

"Haha. Very funny," I said with a voice void of emotion.

"I thought it was," he smirked. I walked over to the door and grabbed the handle- only for Gerard to pull forward yet again. Fucking hell. I shot him a death glare and he reversed the car so I could get in. I pulled the door open and tossed my bag in just in time for the dickwad to slam on the gas and shoot forward.

"Goddammit, Gerard! Let me in the fucking car!" He pulled back around while laughing his ass off and finally let me in the car. "Was that really necessary? I've gotten enough shit today as it is." I turned my head away from him so he wouldn't see the bruises- I didn't need more people than necessary worrying about me.

"C'mon. I was just playing around, c'mon- look at me. Frank, look at me. Frank!"

"What?!" I turned to snap at him. Bad choice- he saw everything.

"Oh my god... Frank.. Wh-what happened?! Who did this to you!?" He was so mad he was practically shaking.

"No one, it-it's nothing. I'm fine." I lied. It was a pretty obvious lie- but oh damn well. He'd already seen my face.

"So you're telling me you beat yourself up? And no, you aren't fucking fine! Please, please just tell me what happened- and don't ever lie to me again. I can tell when people are lying." He softened up towards The End.

"Okay. I promise I won't lie anymore. And just some random guys beat me up. They called me a fag and shit so I told them to get some better insults- their idea of 'better insults' was to beat the shit out of me. So yeah. That's all. I'm okay. Trust me." He didn't turn to look at me. He just nodded his head and pulled out of the school parking lot.

The rest of the ride was quiet. When we got to my house I invited him in for some coffee and he simply nodded. He hadn't said a word to me since we had left the school. Was he mad at me? Did I say something to offend him? "Are you okay..?" I broke the silence.

"Yeah... I'm fine... I just- i don't like people messing with my friends. And I- I really hate that word that they called you. It's just plain wrong." He spoke quickly and nervously- that was very unlike him. He was always cocky and sure of himself. Weird.

"What word- oh you mean 'fag'? I mean, that word used to bug me a lot too, but I realized that there are some things you can't change about yourself- and people will always tease you for them. But really, they only do that to make themselves more comfortable in their own little world," I answered, hoping he wouldn't pick up on a certain detail I let slide by.

"Wait, Frank... Are- are you gay?" Oh god- he's a homophobe. Great. I lost one of my very few friends on my second day here.

I muttered a meek, "yeah," and turned to face him. He had a small smile playing at his lips, but it vanished rather quickly. "Umm... Are- are you ok with that? Some people- most people hate me for it and-" he cut me off.

"If I hated you for it, then I would be the biggest hypocrite in the world." He smirked and took a long sip of his coffee. I could feel myself blush so I took a long sip of mine as well. "Well Frankie, this has been quite fun- other than your face being purple- we should do it again tomorrow." He winked and set down his cup.

I followed him to the door and waved as he got in his car and sped down the street. Gerard was gay. Interesting.

I went to my room and flopped on my bed. I needed a fucking nap. And I soon drifted off into a dream-filled sleep- but dreams are a tricky thing- because the hardest part is letting go of your dreams.


This chapter was shitty. Sorry bout that. Well- at least they're finally out of the closet, right? I was going to do that differently- buttfuck it. Too late now. Please comment/vote. (Stay fabulous, killjoys)

Merci pour le venin

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