Chapter 6...

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Another update for you lovely people... Please vote/comment, it is greatly appreciated (srsly I read every comment, and get great enjoyment from them... Especially some on the last chapter...). Okay well enjoy or somethin..


"Knock knock..." I heard someone outside my door.

"Ugh, go 'way... I wanna sleep..." I groaned.

"Well, I'm coming in anyway. And you can sleep once you are back at your own house and your parents aren't worried sick about you."

Fuck. This isn't my house. This isn't my room. This isn't my bed. And, most importantly, these are not my clothes, "Shit. Okay I'm up. You can come in if you want..." I sat up and rubbed my eyes for the 6th time. I heard the door creak open and Gerard poked his head around before entering completely.

"Well good morning, sleeping beauty..." He said cheekily as he watched me from just inside the doorway.

"Shutthefuckup asshat... I'm tired, okay?" I met his hazel eyes for just a moment before stretching again, "What time is it?"

"Just past 10... I tried to wake you up sooner- key word being 'tried'- but you wouldn't budge. So I let you sleep. Here's your clothes, by the way."

"Shit! It's past 10 already?! Well I'm fucked... Um- thanks for uh, washing my clothes and stuff..." I half mumbled.

"No problem. Get changed and we'll head out to your prominent death." He chuckled.

I gulped, "My- my what..?"

"Well I'm fairly sure your parents will just about kill you when you get home, so yeah. Death is a high possibility." He smirked. Fucking hell. That smirk will be the death of me.

"Alright. Lemme get changed and I'll meet you downstairs," if I could find the stairs that is...

"Take your time," He responded coolly before leaving the room. Fucking hell. He was right. I am dead meat when I get home. Fuck. I pulled off the shirt he leant me and chucked it to the floor. Then I pulled my now clean shirt up over my head and straightened it out. When I leaned down to get my pants, I inhaled the scent of my shirt and holyfuckballs it smelled like fucking pixie dust on a magic unicorn running through a forest of the gods. It. Was. Magical. I grabbed the shirt and pulled it up to my face to inhale more. It was the best thing I had ever smelled. Other than teen spirit, of course.

I chuckled to myself before pulling on my jeans- that were now mud-free - and buttoning them up. I put his stuff in a pile on the bed and checked the room to make sure I hadn't left anything behind. I opened the door and gave one final glance before slipping into the hallway and down the long flight of stairs.

"Ready?" He asked with that same damn smirk on his face.

"Yeah..." I responded, blushing slightly.

"Don't take this the wrong way... But it's kind of adorable when you blush..." Did he really just say that? To me? A stranger he has known for less than 12 hours? And a male stranger at that? I sent him a look that said 'don't fuckin say that again or I'll bash your teeth in.'

"Okay. See, that was you taking it the wrong way. I-I meant it as a joke to try and get you to blush again... Clearly I have o-offended you and I apologize..." He rushed out, pretty much trying to take back his previous statement. I nodded along, I was still kind of creeped out, but hey, the guy was kinda cute when he was trying to apologize.

We walked out the door in silence and he led me to his car. It wasn't anything special, just a shiny black BMW.

"So, where to?" He shot me a glance as he started pulling out of the driveway.

I looked around before I realized I had no fucking clue. "I-um.. Don't really know, I've lived here like a day and a half..." I spoke hesitantly, "I, uh, know my address though?"

"That'll work just fine..." He muttered as he pulled up a navigation app on his phone, "What's your address?"

"Umm... 1484 Dulwich Ct. Belleville..."

"Alrighty, we'll be there in about 8 minutes."

We rode in complete silence for those 8 minutes until the familiar road of yesterday's travels came into view.

"Shit... I'm gonna die today. Will you come to my funeral?" I asked jokingly.

"Sure. I'll wear all black and a blood-red tie..." He laughed as my house came into view... With my mother outside pacing and talking- quite animatedly- on her phone. She stopped as soon as Gerard's car stopped in front of the house and I climbed out.

"Frank Anthony Iero! where the hell have you been!?" I flinched away as my mother stepped closer to me, apparently unaware of Gerard's presence. Suddenly a sharp pain was radiating through my left cheek. "You had me worried sick!"

"I-I'm so-sorry.." Was all I was able to mutter. I looked down and she stood over me continuing to forcibly make me look at her. When I dropped to my knees my mother finally noticed Gerard's presence behind me, and the horrified expression on his face.

"Mrs. Iero, if you had given me or Frank the opportunity to explain perhaps you wouldn't be quite as upset. And honestly, there is no reason, regardless of the circumstances, for you to ever hit your son." Gerard stepped forward while talking and put himself between me and my mother.

"Fine. Explain then. I'm dying to know just what happened to my son that caused him to end up disappearing for over 24 hours and in a car with a strange man on our second day in this place!" She yelled back at Gerard.

"Alright. May I come in?" He asked with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Fine," She hissed. She shot me a glare and muttered something incoherent under her breath before turning and heading back into the house. Gerard gave me a hand and pulled me up. He pressed something into the palm of my hand and whispered, "Call me if shit ever gets bad here. I want you to be safe, and you will never impose. Even if you just want to talk, call me. Okay?"

"Okay," I sighed meekly.

"Are you alright? Did she leave any marks or..?" He questioned.

I looked in my hand before replying, seeing Gerard's messy handwriting across a piece of crumpled paper. I would definitely call him. If I ever find my phone that is... "I'm okay, trust me."


I think this one was a tad longer... Maybe? Idk. I don't keep track. Hope you guys liked this one... And yeah. Votes/comments are greatly appreciated... Love you all :3

Merci pour le venin...

I'll Wait ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang