Chapter 20 - The Truth

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A/N: Before you read, just want you to know this chapter has some... Actions and words... Okay continue the story!

Tony's POV:

The first face I see is Pepper and a doppelganger of... Justin? I sat up but before I said anything, Pepper spoke up.

"Tony.. I know what your thinking..." And before she could finish, I pitched in.

"Justin! Really?! The man that tried to kill me!!!" I yelled at Pepper. I was surprised. One, that I could yell... I was in a coma for what...? I-I'm but very sure but two, for Pepper to go behind my back and give a call the man that tried to kill me! I slightly sat up coughing. Pepper rushed to my side and helped me up but I pushed her away.

"Tony...." Her voice cracked. There were tears going down her face like if it was the end of the world.

"I-I'm just going to..." Justin started and slowly started backing up out of the room.

"No... I want you to stay and hear this..." I shot a look at Justin like 'I will end you' and looked back at Pepper. "What the hell... Is going on?" I looked at her. She started to explain.

Apparently I was in a coma for months and Pepper was visiting me every day and staying over too. Then Justin came over to her office and told her that he can help.

"Wait..." I looked at Pepper closer then back at Justin. I finally got what they hadn't told me. I looked at Pepper carefully and sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"H-he knows I'm Iron Man?!" I raised my voice. I've never felt this mad before. Inducing the mad sex that we had. I looked at Pepper, tears forming in my eyes. I trusted her and she throws it away in less then 24 hours.

"Pepper..." I said softly.

"T-Tony...." She grabbed on to my arm and I smacked her. Right across and face.

Pepper's POV:

I understand that Tony was angry. Betraying him and everything but smacking me?! I fell softly into my chair and held my hands to my cheek. It wasn't hard but I definitely felt it. I looked at Tony slowly, who was crying and mumbling to himself repeatedly 'I slapped her... I can't believe I slapped her'. I looked up at Justin, who had his hands to his month, slightly alarmed. He looked back at me with a face saying 'I caused this...' and slowly started to back out of the room disappearing. I looked back at Tony, who now wasn't crying but breathing hard, looking up from his bed.

"T-Tony..." He cut me off.

"Pepper... I really thought I could trust you... Really..." He looked at me. "I-I...." He sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry for slapping you....." He paused "I...need you to leave.."

More tears streamed down my face looking at him.

"T-Tony...." I sniffed

"Now please..." He said in a heartbroken tone. I slowly stood up, grabbing my purse and walking out. I took a deep breath to stop my crying but it didn't help. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the other side of the hallway, across T-Tony's room. The hospital was chilly. The walls painted a tealish color but some of the color has washed away or became to fall off. I sat my bag down on the ground and crossed my legs, trying to get back to reality. A nurse rushed over to Tony's room and looked at me.

"What's going on over here? One of the near by rooms heard of a noise complaint." She looked at me and sat down. "W-why are you crying...? Is Mr. Stark okay..?" She started to reach for her pager.

"H-he's wake...." I looked up at her. She jumped up to her feet and bolted down the hallway. I rubbed my hands together, breathing hard and worrying. Not because Tony was wake or that Justin is alive but that what's going to happen with the baby?

After Tony is Released

Pepper's POV

Paper work after paper work. Never ending. I signed the last sheet to be able to release Tony from the hospital. I smiled and handed them to the doctor. The doctor smiled back at me and took them, started processing it into the computer. I walked over to the waiting area and sat down next to Tony, who was dressed up in a tux. I slightly looked at him but he looked away and coughed.

"I-I need to set up a meeting with the press." He asked and looked at me.

"W-why...?" I looked at him. "Tony you have to rest, you have t-to.." He stopped me.

"No I don't.... I want a meeting with the press after we get out of this hell hole... And a American Cheeseburger." He said in firm voice and slowly got up, heading toward the exit of the hospital. I looked toward the nurse at the front desk, who slowly out papers down I signed and smiled at me. She nodded in a way like 'you can go now' and continued working on the computer. I grabbed my purse and went after Tony, who was getting into a car. I ran to the other side and got in before we speeded off. Tony slowly looked off, toward the window, and sighed.

This was pure awkwardness and I had no idea how to stop it. I looked slightly away keeping my purse between my legs. We finally arrived at the building (after getting the cheeseburger) and there were reporters outside waiting for us. Tony finished his last bit and handed my his trash. He opened the door and walked out toward the entrance of the building. I took a look at the trash and sighed getting out and throwing the trash away. Tony went up to the front and sat down on the floor, waiting for people to stop talking. I stood in the back, unable to tell what Tony was up too. The room soon fell silent but the sound of clicking from the cameras kept going.

"I-I'm here to... To...." He slowly looked around, annoyed. "C-can everyone just sit down... So.. You know.. I can see you.. You can see me..." He asked. Everybody, including me, slowly sank to the ground and sat.

"O-okay... Thank you" he nodded and chuckled a bit. "W-well... You see I'm out of the hospital." After he said that, a hundred hands goes up, questions blurted out, mostly asking "Why?" Or "Do you and Iron Man have some connection?." Tony sat there, waiting for everyone to be quiet. He took a quick look at me. I looked back at him and all he did was shake his head. What does that mean? Before I got up to quickly talk to him, it soon fell silent and Tony started to speak up. Tony slowly got up and went to the podium.

"Why was I in the hospital...? That's not important... Well it is... You might want to ask Iron Man that..." Tony said slightly different like he was trying to just get over it. I was shocked. He just told he world he was Iron Man. I put my hands over my mouth.

"Yes... For some of you that don't get it..." He sighed. "I am Iron Man..."

Thank you so much for reading and hope you liked it! Comment at will if you want and here, down below, are some questions to think about. Comment what you think is going to happen next.

1) What's going to happen with Peppers and Tony's relationship?

2) Tony just told the world he's Iron Man..

3) Justin is out on the loose!

4) Pepper has a secret that Tony doesn't know about! (In the story)

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