Chapter 14 - Thats Not Good

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Tony's POV
2 weeks later (once again, I'm sorry)

"Sir... It seems that people caught a video of you saving the family from the burning building." Jarvis said and pulled it up to my screen. The video showed, me, pulling out the wife and husband and then going back in for the kids. The title showing "Who is saving the city and why?"

"They have given you a nick name... Iron Man" Jarvis said

"I'm famous Jarvis!" I yelled in enjoyment.

"Sir.. You are already famous." Jarvis said in a slight annoying tone.

Tony: This argument went on for a while, until Pepper came home.

"Im telling you Jarvis! Im famous for me and Iron Man." I said spinning around in my chair, picking up little screws and playing with them.

"Sir..." It sound like he had given up.

"Tony Stark wins again.." I said standing up. I stood up to fast and crashed to the ground. "Ow"

"Tony?! I'm home!" Pepper yelled walking in to the house with bags in her hand.

"Coming!" I yelled and walked out of my lab, walking upstairs. "Hey hon..." I smiled and pulled Pepper into my arms making her put down the bags.

"Hey...." She smiled back and I kissed her and she kissed me back. "I love you..."

"I love you more..." I said and kissed her nose. Pepper smirked and walked away and took the bag into the kitchen.

"What do you want for dinner?" Pepper asked as she started putting foods in the refrigerator.

I waved her off. "I'm not that hungry".

"Sir you have a incoming call from Justin Hammer." Jarvis said in a urgent way.

"Ugh... Pick it up. Justin what the hell do you want?!" I asked him walking over to the living room and collapsing on the couch.

"I want you down to my office! Now!!" Justin said with rage.

"Okay okay... Chill out man." I said and got up. Jarvis hanged up. I walked over to Pepper and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I will be right back hon. Don't worry." I said with a smirk.

"I won't..." She said and smiled. I smiled back and went outside. I got into a car that was waiting for me. I'm guessing this is really important.

13 mins later

I got out of the car and walked up to my building. I went right back up to the meeting room. There were some hi's and blowing kisses at me once I had walked into the building but I just ignored them all. I opened the door with an annoyed look on my face.

"Justin... Look---" I began. I looked up. That's Not Good... I thought to myself.

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