Chapter 15 - Iron Man vs. Its Copy Cat!

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A/N: This chapter has some language in it. Careful! Okay.. Read on! (^-^)

Tony's POV

I had a hard time believing what was in front of me. It was Iron Man... But bigger.. Much bigger... And more silver.

"What the fuck is that?!" I yelled at him. "I said we weren't going to do it?!"

"Yeah... Well you know that Iron Man running the sheets?! Saving the "world". He mocks "He stole my design!!" Justin's voice echoed throughout the room. I started to circle the mad man.

"He probably didn't even mean it!!" I yelled. Justin slammed his hands on the table.

"And if he did!" He yelled back. "This is what's going to save the world and get us money!" He point to the Iron suit he made.

"This is insane Justin!!" I yelled.

"I know just the way to get Iron Mans attention!" Justin said climbing into the suit.

"Justin fucking stop! This is crazy!!" I yelled trying to stop him.

"Tony... It's for the best... He'll be looking for trouble. Well I am the trouble." Justin walked up and climbed inside.The suit closed on Justin and lights turned on. It was alive and moving. But it was also dangerous. I raced downstairs and jumped into the car that brought me here.

"Home! Now!!! Step on it!!!" I said in a rush. Once the car started there was a loud bang and workers started to pour out of the building. Thump! Thump! BANG!Justin was walking out of the building and there was a huge hole out of it. You could see right inside the soul and heart of Stark Industries.


I jumped out of the car and raced inside the house.

"Oh.. Oh Tony did you see wh--" Pepper came crying to me. I cut her off.

"I can't Pepper right now! I need to fix this!" I said and ran down to the lab. I started to suit up.

Peppers POV

It wondered to me why Tony was in such a rush! People were dying out there. As I saw Tony rush downstairs I wondered "why?" He's been down there for weeks working on something and he won't tell me what. I turned off the TV and ran off to him.

"Tony?! You better tell me what the hell---" I was surprised... No shocked. I found Tony in a... Suit.. Just like the one on TV. The famous "Iron Man". Was the guy I'm dating... Iron Man? "Are... Are you Iron Man?" I asked him shocked and put my hand over my mouth.

"Pepper... Please..." Tony begged and grabbed his helmet. "I can't talk... We can't do this right now..." I stopped him.

"No! No..." Tears started to stream down my face. "I need to know... Are you... Iron Man?" I asked him one last time.

"Yes..." He sighed. "I am Iron Man..." He didn't look at me. He took a look down. The silence was... Awkward. I walked up to him and lifted his head with my fingers.

"Go.. Get...him..." I smiled and kissed him full on the lips. Tony kissed me back with a smile and then I broke it.

"Thank you hone--" I stopped him again.

"Doesn't mean I'm not mad. We have to talk about the company, your safety and... Us..." I said in a sad but strict voice.

"Okay..." Tony said. He put his helmet on and somewhat flew off. I fell back and before I could stand up and say one last good bye, he was gone. He better be in one piece! I thought to myself and went back upstairs to the living room and turned on the tv. I took a glance at the headline. It read "Iron Man vs. It's Copy Cat!"

Tony's POV

Pepper knows that I was Iron Man... I thought to myself. Thats not "that" important right now.. Focus...City.. Danger.. .Justin.... I got my mind back on track.

"Jarvis.. Is he hurting anyone?" I asked as I flew over homes and shops toward the city.

"He is not but he is trying to get your attention. He wants to fight." Jarvis replied. I flew over where Justin was. He was now to the point of knocking over cars and crashing into buildings, starting fires and killing families. Fires had started, kids lost without their mothers and fathers. I couldn't believe it. It was like the end of the world and the one causeing it was Justin.

"Stop this!" I yelled "What is it that you want?" I asked him even though I already knew. I didn't want him finding out that I kinda stole the designs and created my own Iron Man suit. Even thought I did disagree with the Iron Man people running around the shreets was smart and I kinda wanted to see a Iron suit alive and if its possible. Anyways, the people that kidnapped me.. Well I don't want them hurting Pepper. Another reason. Protection for my.. family.

"Bullshit! You know what Iron Man" Justin said in a mocking voice. He turned toward me. Armed and ready.

"You mean me stealing the armor ideas? Yeah sure...." I lied.

"LIE!" Justin yelled and shot at me. I flew out of the way and landed behind him.

"I'm not.. I have no idea what your talking about.. Anyways.. You are hurting these people.. Boy your gonna get your ass handed." I said with a smirk. He shot at his back and Justin fell over.

"NO! I WILL NOT GO OVER THIS AGAIN!" Justin screamed and got up. What did he mean "again"? I asked myself.

"Jarvis what dose he mea-" Jarvis cut me off.

"Incoming missiles sir." He was right. 2 heavy and huge missiles were heading for me. I flew out of the way just in time. An explosion appeared behind me. I turned back to make sure no one was there. It was too late. A family of 5. Dead because of me. I turned back to Justin. This was the last straw. No More! I thought. I flew right into him, making him fall back. We fought and pushed. Shot at each other and the fight won't come to a end. Justin would grab empty cars and throw them at me. Of cource I would just dodge them. I rapidly shot at him from the face mask down to his chest, trying to find a open spot in his suit to kill and hopefully end this madness.

"UNACCEPTABLE!" Justin yelled at me again. He tackled me down to the ground. He started knocking me around.

I turned toward him and struggled to get him off. "Get the fuck off!"

"NO!" Justin said with anger. He pulled out a missile each from his shoulders on the suit. I tired to escape Justin's weight of the huge suit but it there was no luck. His suit was bigger than mine. He had bigger guns than me but mine were more powerful. I had to choose

Give up


Die Trying

I nodded to myself. My decision was final.

"Jarvis..." I said "Power up the arc reactor.." Everything happed in slow motion. I shot him in the chest with my arc reactor.... Then...

Tony: Pitch black... *sigh* I'm pretty sure that was the end of it... I don't remember anything else.. For like days...

Pepper: Sadly... I do...

Tony: You do?? You always told me that you didnt... *Tony turns toward Pepper with a confused look on his face*

Pepper: Yes.. Well I lied Tony! *Pepper threw her hands up in confession*

Cop: Are you willing to tell it..?

Pepper: Yes... Yeah... Well....

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