Chapter 4 - Hospital

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Peppers POV:

I woke up, shooting up from the hospital bed. All I remember is.. The dinner with Mr. Stark and then it all went blank. An bomb? I looked around seeing lunch on my side table and some flowers in a vase. "Someone came to visit me" I thought. Just then the door opened. A doctor came in smiling.

"Glad you are awake!" The doctor grabbed a chair and walked over, setting the chair down and sitting on it. He took out a pen and paper.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "How was I feeling?" I asked to myself.

"A little dizzy and my arm hurts" I said quietly and I looked at my arm, seeing it in a cast.

"Oh yes. You did break your arm so be careful. Stomach hurt? Chest pains.?" He asked writing down what I said. I nodded no and sat up lightly.

"Where's--" My voice went horse.

"Who?" The doctor asked getting up from his chair and putting the chair back.

"S-s-Stark..." I said trying to say the words out but the doctor just looked at me confused.

"Want me to get some water?" He said nicely and walked out. I looked around looking for a pen and paper. Luckily I found just what I needed. Once the doctor came back I wrote on the paper:


"Ohhh!" The doctor handed me the glass of water and I set down the pen and paper, taking the water and drinking it.

"He is... Lets say.. Not doing well. Just came out of surgery 5 hours ago and gave you these flowers" The doctor said touching the flowers then he got up and walked to the door.

"Press the button on the right side of the bed to call on of us and please, do get some sleep." The doctor walked out. What it that bad? The bomb most have been huge then. Or did he protect me? Shield me? I kept on thinking of things he could have done to be able to have surgery. After 5 mins I slowly found myself asleep.


I slowly got up, taking a good look and guess where I am. The hospital. Ugh! I hate hospitals. I fell back down on my bed but I sharp pain came from my stomach. I screamed. I called for one of the doctors and one of them came in quickly.

"Oh no no Mr. Stark! Lay down please." Said this cute little Asian girl as she helped me lay down softly.

"Oh my head hurts... What happened?"

"It seems a bomb went off. The police are still trying to find out what and how's it happened. Don't worry.." I all of a sudden remembered. Pepper! My date!

"Is... Is Pepper okay? I mean Miss. Potts." The doctor smiled at me.

"She is fine, just a broken arm that's all and a bad headache she says. But for you Mr. Stark, you just went through 2 surgeries. We need you to rest." The doctor started walking away to the door.

"Wait! Did she get the flowers?"

The doctor turned and smiled back at me. "Yes she got the flowers." The doctor walked out closing the door behind her. I looked around not tired at all. I got my rest already. It was time to see if Pepper was really okay. So I got up and slowly touched the ground with my foot. It feels like it had been forever sense I touched the ground. I stood up almost falling but got myself up again and walked around the bed with my heart beat showing on the little TV screen. I opened the door careful and walked out slowly, my arms and legs feeling a little num. I looked out making sure there is no doctors out there. I made my way to the front office almost about to throw up.

"Where dose Pepper Potts stay in this hospital?" I asked and the lady looked at me, eating gum and reading a book.

"7th level room 316l" she said rolling her eyes. Same lvl but some rows down. Great!.

"Thanks and I head went for the elevator. I went up to the 7th lvl and went to room 316. When I opened the door. I see Pepper all curled up asleep with a huge cast on her left arm. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I smiled slowly walking over and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you."

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