Chapter 12 - Home

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Tony's POV

7 Weeks pasted and the doctors still didn't find anything to help. A cure. The doctors came and go with information that wasn't at all helpful. Pepper stayed by my side 24/7. I sighed in frustration flipping through the channels on the little crappy TV in the corner of the room. The doctor came in and asked Pepper to come outside. She kissed me on the cheek and stared into my eyes.

"I'll be back" she said to me and went outside the room with the doctor. The door closed behind them. Minutes pasted as I watched them and Pepper made a face with a sigh of relief. She seemed happy. She smiled and walked back in. The doctor went down the hall to a different room.

"What did he say?" I asked sitting up. Pepper sat on my bed.

"I can take you home!" She said with joy. Finally I can get out of this hell hole! I can finally party an-- I was interrupted by the sound of Peppers voices again.

"But you have to carry a little heart monitor, not that heavy or big, around to keep your heart going. We have to change the bag every time it runs out, so don't forget." A tear went down Peppers face as she said that but I wiped it away. "So no drinking or partying until they find a solution" she looked away for a second but then back at me. She smiled. I smiled back at her. "I'm glad you can come home" she kissed my nose and hugged me.

"I can't wait to come home." I said to her.

After checking out, changing and getting out of bed walking around, I was getting use to it. I slowly made my way to the car and got in. Pepper got in on the other side. Happy was driving.

"Where to sir?" He asked.


Once we got home, I collapsed on the couch and turned on the TV. Pepper walked in with some food and started placing in the refrigerator for me.

"Hey Pepper... Do you think you can... I don't know... Stay awhile?" I asked her looking up from the couch.

Peppers POV

When Tony asked me to stay awhile, my heart was filled with joy.

"I would love too" I said and walked over to Tony giving him a kiss on the cheek but out of nowhere he turned and kissed me full on the lips. It was passionate and lovely and I wanted it to last forever. I kissed him back but harder. He pulled me on top of him, kissing me harder. I stopped him right there. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I looked at him slightly worried.

"Pepper... I love you... I always have and I always will." Tony said to me with a smile. I smiled back at him.

"I just don't want to hurt you." I said caressing his cheek.

"You won't." He said and kissed me. I kissed him back harder moving my hands through Tony's hair. I soon felt his weight on me as we fell off the couch and on the floor. Tony was now on top of me. He took a breathe away from me and smiled at me. That amazing smile with his brown chocolatey eyes. I want him. He's all I want. Tony Stark, I love you.

Tony's POV
3 weeks later

I slowly made my way downstairs quickly and quietly so Pepper didn't hear me. I made my way to my lab, closed the door and out sound proof on.

"Get Project Mark I put and running for me." I said and started putting finishing touches to a little thing I called a arc reactor. I made so I didn't have to A) carry the heart monitor around with me anymore and B) It powers the suit i was about to take out testing. "Jarvis... Do you think this is going to work?" I asked him, putting the finishing touches on it.

"Hopefully sir." Jarvis said

"Monitor my heart rate and health. If anything goes wrong, on my count call Pepper and 911" I said to him strictly, taking off my shirt.

"Yes sir." Jarvis said. I took a deep breathe and pulled out the wires from my chest. I felt like everything was going to go wrong but I kept going. I took out a smaller and less helpful arc reactor the doctors put in me that was holding the wires together that kept me alive. Everything started going black right there.

"I.... Need.... Hurry......" I fell on my knees as I reached for the arc reactor I created gasping for breath. Once I got it, I slammed it in my chest and took a deep breathe. "Ugh!!!!" I yelled. "Am I alive?" I asked to myself.

"Yes sir.. It worked. Your vitals are fine and the arc reactor is slowing down the shrapnel in inside you which should come to a stop but will still be inside you." Jarvis said.

"Oh thank lord." I sighed and sat on the ground thinking to myself. "I did it." How was I going to tell Pepper tho? I thought to myself while outlining the circled light in my chest. I decided not to try out the suit and told Jarvis to put it away. I put my shirt back on and went silently back up stairs. I took a peek in the guest room and smiled seeing Pepper quickly sleeping. She looked so adorable sleeping. I turned and went back to my room getting a good nights rest.

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