Chapter 3 - Date Night

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Tony quickly pulled up in front of Peppers house waiting for her.

5 mins past

Pepper finally came out looking beautiful as always...

"Wow! Pepper you look... Amazing." Tony said smirking.

"Don't get to excited Mr. Stark" Pepper said and winked. She got into the car and Tony drove off to the restaurant.

Once Tony and Pepper got there one of the waitress came up to them.

"I'm sorry. The restaurant is full for tonight. If you made a registration then you will have to wait 20 mins" The waitress walked away to another table.

"20mins! To-- I mean Mr. Stark, please say you have a registration made" Tony made a little smile.

"I didn't know they were busy on this night." Pepper sighed.

"Hold on Miss Potts." Tony walked away and went to the waitress.

"Um look..." He looked at the waitresses name tag.

"Linda, I am very famous and rich. If you don't know, I am Tony Stark. Billionaire! So me and my lovely date over." He pointed to Pepper and she waved.

"Want to eat. I will pay you double the food we have if you get us a nice seating area." Tony winked at the waitress smiling and the waitress nodded. The waitress grabbed 2 menus and guided Tony and Pepper to the best seat in the house. They both sat down and ordered drinks.

"So. How was your new day?" Tony asked taking a slip of his water.

"Not bad. Got to know some of the other ladies working there. How was your day Mr. Stark?" She asked sorta looking down.

"It's better..."

"Why because your with me?"

"Yeah.." Tony smirked as the waitress, Linda, came over with there drinks. BOOM! CRASH! AND BLACK OUT!! There was a huge explosion at least 10 blocks from where the restaurant was.

Cop: Wow... I am so sorry..

Tony: Yep. Pepper your turn!

Pepper: Okay.. Well....

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