🎃The Devil's Laugh🎃

Start from the beginning

His face came near mine, "Come closer~"

The moment of touch was overwhelming and caught me off guard. But as I felt his lips on mine, it was too good to stop. Perhaps it's because of how he sounded when he kissed me, or just how carefree I felt when I was with him. Hisoka was feeling it too, and lifted me onto the counter. His fingertips ran down my spine making me shiver. My little reaction made him more needy. My hand pushed him back,

"The fight?"

"Just a minute~" His mouth went to suck on my ear lobe.

"When have you ever been 'just a minute'"

"Scarlet~ feel how excited I am~." He grinded his lower half against my hand.

"Your very persuasive but, love...we have to be somewhere"

He whispered, "When we get to the time, where I'm able to make you mine completely.....im going to fuck you till your numb♡"

My face turned pink and went wide eyed. He laughed and lifted me off the counter. He went to get dressed, while I splashed my face with cold water. I set out to find my high heeled boots, airpods, and phone. When I got all my items, I waited for the slow Joker and rummaged through the cabinets to find something to eat. Grabbing a breakfast bar, I yelled at Hisoka to hurry up. He responded with, "Because you just said that, I'm going to take longer~" I laughed under my breath at the annoying Clown. Finally, after fifteen minutes, he was done. I opened the door and gestured for him to hurry out. He asked, " Don't we have five minutes?"

"Yeah but time stresses me out"

"Is that just an Assassin thing? Illumi is the same way."

"Well, we all grew up with that drilled into our heads. Anyways, lets go." I grabbed his hand and led him off.

The magician and I were present in the lobby, eyes already staring at us. The staff looked but quickly turned their heads. The ones who tried to prove they were strong, looked at the Clown. That is, until he would whip his head back at them and growl. His attempt to be scary may have worked on them but only made me smile and giggle. My giggle would make him snicker, but this still made others terrified. Seeing the devil laugh is truly a sight to behold.

Hisoka pulled my hand and dragged me to a familiar gray tunnel. Somewhere.......i've seen this place before. The scent of despair but excitement was all too similar. The dull walls and crushing your soul as you touch their texture. Somewhere in my mind, I've seen this place. The air was suffocating, the silence was deafening. Static filled my ears as I started to dissociate. But then Hisoka squeezed my hand, bringing me back. The simple motion saving me again, from time and time before,

"Hey dummy, look" He pointed to the big screen, framing Gon and his opponent Riehhelt.

"Woah, it looks so different from here."

"This entrance lets you see everything."

Soon enough the match began. With the chop of the referee's hand, both opponents smiled confidently. Riehhelt whipped out two ropes with white handles. The announcer followed his motion by stating that the weapon was his famous Song of defense. Unexpectedly, Gon rips the concrete panels off the floor and holds it in the air like a strongman showing off in a carnival. Everyone in the stadium went silent. Hisoka and I were mesmerized by how much Gon had grown. The small boy seemed to have the strength of two men, I was so proud of him. He truly is going to be so great in the future and I hope I'm there to see it. The panel was thrusted into the air towards Gon's opponent. Understandably, Riehelt speeds to the left. Gon sped and trapped him. Holding Riehelt's wrist, the bones crushed underneath Gon's fingers. The winner held the two white handled ropes and acted like he was going to shock the opponent. The angel he is, he didn't electrocute Riehelt but walked away in victory.

Looking at the Jester, his face was covered in a tempting grin. He caught me glancing at him and pinned me against the wall. The cheering crowd was the perfect background noise, making it seem we were truly the only ones there. The area around us only set the mood more, the darkness filling every space around us. Comforting the only light in the tunnel I could see, which was Hisoka. His strong hands held my shoulders back, and as he opened his mouth to speak,

My phone rang.

I looked apologetically at Hisoka, while he scoffed and laughed.

"Hello, Father. Can I call you back, i'm quite busy"

"(Y/N)....you need to come home now."

"Huh?" Hisoka looked up in question.

"It's your brother, the mission was compromised"

"What happened?"

"I can't give details over the phone. I need your coordinates and I will send you a car."


I hung up the phone and looked speechless. Since when did Anthony go on missions himself? Have I really been gone that long...?

"Scarlet? What's wrong?"

"It's my brother, I-I have to go home."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

I placed my hand on his cheek, "I don't know how long I'll be gone, I wouldn't want to do that to you."

The Joker looked at me with sad puppy eyes. I kissed him goodbye and walked away.

Happy (late) Halloween! (In my heart Halloween will never end🤧)
This chapter is extra long from my normal ones, this is a Halloween present👻

Remember to appreciate your self for your little accomplishments, like getting out of bed this morning. Remember to take your meds (if you have any) and drink some water!

Love Yaku♥️

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