Chapter 17 becoming friends

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Betty got to school smiled at Archie and went to the blue and gold room where Sweetpea and Fangs were guarding the door they both let Betty in to the room and she now wishes she never went inside there.

(What Betty wore) :

Jughead and Toni was there sitting down and Betty rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to hear what they had to say

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Jughead and Toni was there sitting down and Betty rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to hear what they had to say. After the both of them explaining Betty accepted Toni apology and smiled then she hugged her but Jughead was awkward about being friends so Betty hugged him and backed away smiling.

The three of them came out the room smiling and Jughead held Betty back to try kiss her but she leaned in and put her finger on his lips and playfully pushed them away laughing gently which made him pick Betty up and go to the student lounge then threw her on the sofa making her land on Kevin, Cheryl and Charles. All of them fell onto the floor laughing and helped each other up and the serpents came into the lounge laughing at what happened then Cheryl stood up and rolled her eyes then helped Betty and Charles up smiled then walked off. Veronica sat on the chair with her latte in her hand and winked at Archie smiling and he smiled back at her then Betty looked at Jughead and everything around her stopped her heart was beating fast and it made her feel jelly then she got shivers down her spine plus all over her body. His eyes was what she could only focus on, his face she wishes was kissing her, his hands she was wishing were cupping her face, his arms around her. But Betty wanted to stay friends for a little longer before they get back together.

Veronica gently shook Betty out of daydreaming because it was time for lesson, well it was, until Polly had a seizure in the corridors Betty ran to her screaming help then Charles ran over and Picked Polly up and Jughead left the school with the Coopers arriving at the hospital. Betty kept ringing her mom but Alice didn't answer the phone so she called Fred her next door neighbour to go over to her house and check on her mom and the twins but turns out the three of them were asleep so Betty asked him to knock on the door which got Alice awake and gave the phone to her to talk to Betty and her mouth dropped she ended the call and told Fred to put one of the twins in the car seat and they drove to the hospital then got the twins out put them in the pushchair and met up with Betty Charles Jughead and Jason was in tears then he wiped them as soon as he saw his babies and started to smile. "Polly Cooper?" "yes doctor Masters what room" "room 302 she just woke up so she's fine but be easy with her" "thank you doctor...See Betty Polly is ok *hugs Betty to make her feel like she's safe*" Alice smiled and took everyone to see Polly and let Betty and Jughead talk about what is going on between them.

"Betty I know you hate me after what I did I would too so your not alone on this...I felt stupid after doing it but I did it and I'm sorry for it" "Jughead just stop...*sniffles* its ok I understand where your coming from you and Toni kissed after our breakup its ok now" They both smiled and ignored everything around them and felt like nothing would stop them in the zone. Jughead started to lean in to kiss Betty and she did too but stopped it and told him she wasn't ready and he has to wait a little so she can be ready and he understood then hugged Betty instead but wishing he never kissed Toni to make these things so awkward between them. Both of them went to go and see Polly and Betty finally cracked...she smiled for the first time and it stayed there and all hers, Pollys, Jugheads and Charles friends arrived and Hermione, FP and JB came, Betty knew who her family was it was everyone who was in the room with her sharing smiles and laughter. Cheryl hugged Betty and the serpents and told the Coopers they will protect their family and Sweetpea hugged Betty because she was like a little sister to Sweetpea and Fangs so Sweetpea would pick her up and annoy her about her height which gets her laughing more and that's what Jughead, Toni, Sweetpea, Fangs, Veronica, Cheryl, Archie, Kevin, JB and everyone else in the room. Betty knew that these people were it for her and if she lost anyone she would regret it for the rest of her life so she is gonna keep them in her life forever even until she dies.

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