Chapter 26 Sweetwater swimming hole

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It was summer break and it was the most hottest months of the year and the four decided to do something fun after sorting out court cases with Archies mom because she is a lawyer and a very good one. They had some time so Archie told Betty Veronica and Jughead to get ready and he will pick them up.

(What she wore):

Alice was reading all of Betty diaries and she caught her reading them and took all ten diaries and put them in her bag away from her mom

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Alice was reading all of Betty diaries and she caught her reading them and took all ten diaries and put them in her bag away from her mom. "Betty you have so much hatred in these books and I think you should burn them plus Edgar said it's good for your health Betty" "Mom Not this again...I'm not joining your cult and if you carry on I swear to god mom I will move out again and live with Jughead" Arlo was resting on the floor next to the sofa like he didn't have a care in the world. Alice was telling Betty to come to the farm but she wouldn't then her ride was here and she left with her diaries in one bag and her spare clothes in the other. "ARCHIE OK IM HERE COME ON LETS GO! WE GOTTA PICK UP VERONICA!" "No hey Jug or nothin no...*Betty giggles and kisses him*" "is that better now" He blushes and they arrive at Veronicas and they were all on their way to Sweetwater swimming hole.

They got there with the music blasting and Betty jumped out and they all got undressed and wore their underwear into the water. "LAST ONE IN GETS A STICKY MAPLE!" They all laughed and jumped in all together and played about like children. Betty was smiling way more often now that her dad was gone and her mom and Arlo were at peace. Well was for Alice because she is now with the farm and as what Betty would say Brainwashed. The four was splashing still until they heard a noise, Betty told them to be quiet and she will find out who it is "guys sshhh...*hears barking* that you*Arlo jumps out the car* oh my god! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AT HOME! Well your here now so come join buddy" everyone sighed knowing it was Arlo and said hello to him.

Jughead got out to have some time to himself and dry off then went off into his own mind smiling that he has the one he's been wanting for since he laid his eyes on. Arlo was swimming with Archie and Veronica then Betty got out the water to come and sit next to Jughead. "Hey jug why are you here alone for?" "*sighs* just wanted to dry off and get some warmth plus the sun is going down quicker than normal plus Archie has the campfire stuff plus tents" "I've never been camping dad wouldn't allow it" Jughead knew what she was on about and pulled her into a hug and she sobbed softly and he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer making her know that Jughead is there for her 24/7 and he won't ever leave her side. Archie was playing with Arlo and Veronica looked at Betty and Jughead and smiled and nudges Archie to look and he smiled plus Arlo swims around them meaning he wants to play more in the water.

(What Betty put on to sleep in):

The sun was going down and the boys set up the campfire and tents for them all to sleep in and cuddle around the fire

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The sun was going down and the boys set up the campfire and tents for them all to sleep in and cuddle around the fire. "So I don't fully know you guys BUT you all are the most amazing friends I could ever ask let's share some embarrassing stories" "I'll start Archie your gonna love I was at Archies house and we were about six or seven and while we was at his we had some cake and Archie *starts to laugh* HAD TOO MUCH AND THREW UP ON THE FLOOR *dies of laughter and everyone is laughing even Archie* THEN VEGAS LICKES UP THE VOMIT AND ARCHIE STILL DOESNT DO ANYTHING!" "Omg Archie *cries of laughter*" "well mine is I'm with these two annoying men in fifth grade doing our play until Archie here muted my mic and he sang over it singing the song that I hate which was Archie" "The tide is high" "you don't understand how angry I was with him"  "well I have one with my brother and sister...we was six and five and we always played on the stairs until one day we decided to go down it with our sleeping bags Polly went first then Charles then me but we added a ramp because I wanted to go faster down so we added it and I ended up hitting the wall with my body and head my mom heard the bang and came then saw a huge dent in the wall and we was all grounded for it" "how big was the dent in the wall" "big as a small radiator" everyone was laughing with Betty and she saw Arlo yawning which meant to her time to go and put him in the tent to sleep.

It was midnight and Betty was outside and the campfire was relighted by Betty because he had something on her mind and all the memories flooded back to her about her dad and what he did to cause her so much pain and making her nearly end It all a few times. She got up and went to the swimming hole and was gonna try end it all but Jughead caught her just in time. "Betts...where are you...Betty-BETTY NO!*runs to her and grabs her by the waist with his arms* DONT DO IT YOUR SAFE!" She broke into tears and he carried her back to the campfire to warm up. He asked her why she did it and she told him and Jughead took his beanie off and put it on her head to make her realise that they are partners in everything they do she nodded her head and Jughead kissed her then carried her back to the tent and lay her down next to Arlo.

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