"Do you remember Derek before he was an alpha, had blue eyes?" Uncle Peter asked Cora and Stiles. "Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?"

"I always thought it was, like, a genetic thing," Stiles muttered with a shake of his head.

"If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the color of his eyes," Uncle Peter explained before beginning the story of a young Derek and a girl named Paige.

Beck smiled to herself. She remembered Paige. Beck was only six when they met, when the events of this story happened.

"Derek," Laura called as she entered the high school gymnasium, Beck's hand held tightly in hers. The sound of sneakers scuffing against the hardwood floor echoed around the large room as a group of teenage boys ran drills. "Derek!"

Stopping, Derek turned as he scowled at his older sister who interrupted his practice. Turning to his coach, Derek raised a finger before jogging to his sisters.


"I need you to watch Becca," Laura explained as she tilted her head towards their little sister. Beck smiled as her older brother looked down at her, waving her hand.

"No way," Derek scuffed as he looked back at Laura. "I'm busy at the moment. And besides, Mom said that you had to watch her."

"Yeah, well something came up," Laura snapped, moving Beck to sit on the bleachers. "So now you have to watch her."

"Laura, seriously?" Derek whined.

"Deal with it, Derek." His older sister snapped before turning on her heels to leave the gym.

Huffing, Derek looked down at his baby sister. Derek smiled at her as he crouched down so that he was at eye level with her. "Becca, I want you to stay here and wait for me to finish practice, okay? Then after, we can go into town and get ice cream."

"But Bubba, Momma doesn't like it when we eat ice cream before dinner," Beck argued with a tilt of her head, making her blonde ponytail sway.

"That's why if she asked, you know what we're gonna say?" Derek asked with an evil smirk. Beck shook her head, prompting Derek to continue. "We're gonna blame it all on Laura."

An evil grin found its way to Beck's face, one that matched Derek's.

"Hale! Let's go." Derek's coach shouted.

"I gotta go," Derek said as he stood, running back to the court before pointing a finger at Beck. "You stay right there."

And that's what Beck did, for about ten minutes before she got bored. Swinging her feet, the six-year-old glanced around the gymnasium as the basketball team practiced. This was so boring.

Turning towards the door to the rest of the high school, an idea formed in Beck's head as she glanced at Derek. He was distracted with practice, not paying any attention to her.

Smiling evilly, Beck hopped off the bleachers before running to the door, giggling as she went.

"Okay," Stiles called, stopping Uncle Peter's storytelling and Beck's reminiscing. "So, if Derek was a sophomore back then, how old was he? How old were you?" Eyes narrowing, Stiles glared at Peter. "How old are you now?"

"Not as young as we could have been, but not as old as you might think," Uncle Peter answered cryptically.

"Okay, that was frustratingly vague," Stiles murmured before turning to Cora. "How old are you?"

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