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"I CAN'T BELIEVE you guys snuck out last night to look for a dead body. Again." Beck muttered with a shake of her head as she walked down the high school hallway, Scott and Stiles on either side of her. "If I remember correctly, the last time you two did that, Scott got turned into a werewolf."

"Yeah, well this time we found a werecoyote, which is apparently a thing."

"There are different kinds of supernatural creatures, if you forgot," Beck smirked. "Remember Jackson turning into a murderer-seeking killer lizard."

"But Beck, she was an actual coyote. Is that possible?"

Beck stopped, turning on her heels to look up at Scott and Stiles. "It's called being evolved. It's rare, very rare. It's when a werewolf has found a perfect balance between their wolf and human sides. Being evolved allows the werewolf to shift into an actual wolf whenever they wish. My Mom was evolved, it's why the other packs respected her. Laura was evolved too."

"Okay, so how do we turn Malia back?" Scott asked, turning from Stiles down to Beck.

Beck shrugged her shoulders with a shake of her head. "I don't know, it was too long ago for me to remember."

"But you remember everything," Stiles snapped.

"All I remember is Mom shifting from my mom to a wolf and back, that's it," Beck snapped back.

"And what about Laura?"

Beck shrugged again. "Laura left me and Derek one time a couple of years after the fire. When she came back, she was evolved, never indulged in how or what happened."

Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Have you heard from Derek at least?"

Beck's shoulder's deflated as she shook her head. She hadn't heard from her older brother since Derek and Cora left. So much for keeping in contact.

The bell rang as Scott and Stiles sighed, sharing a look.

"Well, thanks for the information, Beck," Scott smiled.

"Yeah, see you guys later."


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BECK RUSHED DOWN the hall. Scott had texted Beck saying something happened to Stiles and she needed to hurry. Beck knew she had to try and help, but she didn't know how.

Turning a corner, Beck adjusted the strap of her bag as she looked over the hall pass her teacher gave her. Suddenly a familiar sound reached her ears, making the small blonde stop.


Slowly lifting her head, Beck was met with the hunched-over figure of a coyote standing in the middle of the hall. The coyote bore its teeth at Beck, snarling.

"Malia?" Beck gasped softly, earning another snarl. Slowly raising her hands, Beck tried to make herself as unthreatening as possible.

Malia stepped forward as Beck stepped back. Each one watching the other.

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