59|story time

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BECK SAT ON the couch, her fingers tugging on the sleeves of her sweater. She listened as Cora told Stiles about the time Uncle Peter and Derek were being chased by hunters when they were younger.

"They were there for two days," Cora finished as thunder sounded in the distance. Rain pattered against the window, beginning to wash away that disgusting symbol the alphas painted there. "Waiting, hiding."

"That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us," Beck added softly, not looking up towards Stiles and Cora as she pulled her knees close to her chest, still pulling at her sleeves.

It had only been a couple of days since Boyd's death. Derek had vanished, mourning the loss of his beta. Beck had been staying in the loft with Cora, both sisters mourning together.

They had to dump Boyd's body in the woods, making it look like a wild animal attacked him. The cover-up was weak, a five-year-old could see that an animal couldn't have killed Boyd. But they didn't have any choice. They wouldn't know how to explain the claw marks.

It felt wrong to Beck, just leaving Boyd's body in the middle of the woods for anyone to find.

The only good thing to have come out of that day was that Scott had found and saved Deaton, with help from Stilinski. But, like the Darach had it lined up, another doctor was found dead.

Cora nodded her head before finishing. "Hide and heal."

"Okay, so is two days standard then?" Stiles asked as he glanced from Cora to Beck. "Or... are we thinking Derek's on like some extended getaway?"

"Why do you care?" Cora snapped turning to look at Stiles.

"Cora," Beck muttered softly, rubbing her sleeve-covered hand in her eye.

"'Why do I care?'" Stiles repeated as he began to pace. "Let's see, because, over the last few weeks, my best friend tried to kill himself. His boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Beck is being recruited by a coven that wants to kill her. Boyd was killed by alphas. I... you want me to keep going? Cause I can, all right? For like an hour!"

"And he will if you give him the chance," Beck grumbled as she looked up at Cora.

Cora walked towards the desk, ignoring Beck as she leaned against it. "You think Derek can do anything about that?"

"Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it. Yeah."

"I don't know," Cora muttered. "There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when I knew him."

"Well, Core, you did miss a lot," Beck said as Stiles and Cora turned to the small blonde for an explanation. "And a lot can change a person."

"Well, what was he like?"

Footsteps sounded as someone descended the stairs. Everyone turned to watch as Uncle Peter entered. "A lot like Scott, actually," he said as he continued to descend the stairs. "A lot like most teenagers. Unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic. Tolerable only to other teenagers."

Beck watched from her position on the couch as Uncle Peter and Stiles walked towards the desk that Cora stood at.

"Okay, so what happened?" Stiles asked curiously. "What changed him?"

Uncle Peter looked at Stiles, sighing. "Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men. A girl."

"You're telling me some girl broke his little heart?" Stiles asked, borderline groaning. "That's why Derek is the way he is?"

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