56|morning after

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"HOLD ON, LET me get this straight," Beck muttered as she lounged in her bed, phone held to her ear. "You wake me up at seven in the morning on a Sunday to tell me that Coach Finstock made you guys stay at a horrible motel that's famous for people committing suicides-"

"And Scott, Isaac, Boyd, and Ethan each tried to kill themselves because the Darach had gotten in their heads," Stiles finished on the other end. "Just like in your dreams. Ethan tried to rip himself in half. Boyd tried to drown himself. Isaac crawled under the bed to hide. And Scott tried to burn himself alive. And then there was an explosion."

"And this couldn't have waited till you got back because..."

"Because your dreams came true sooner than we originally thought," Stiles explained. Beck could just imagine him waving his hands around as he spoke. "All of it happened. The werewolf vs. werewolf fight. The werewolves trying to kill themselves. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is Deucalion crushing some bald guy's skull."

"Actually," Beck hummed as she rolled to lie on her stomach. "I think that's happened. Yesterday, I was at the animal clinic with Deaton when Kali, Aiden, and Ennis came in. They wanted Deaton to help Ennis."

"And you think Deucalion killed Ennis?" The faint voice of Scott asked, listening in obviously.

"I don't think so," Beck hummed again as she rubbed at her forehead. "Sometimes my dreams could show something that doesn't happen. Like when Lydia drugged everyone with wolfsbane. My dream showed Lydia mixing the punch with Uncle Peter standing right behind her, but Uncle Peter wasn't there. Most likely, Deucalion crushing Ennis's skull is symbolic of something."

"But what?"

"I don't know," Beck groaned. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?"

"No, actually, I have something big to tell you," Stiles said, his voice growing serious. "Beck, Derek might still be alive."

"I know."

"What?" Stiles screeched into the phone, making Beck hold it at a distance before placing it back on her ear. "How do you know? Ethan just told us!"

"Aiden told me yesterday."

"And is he? Alive?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I'm at the loft now," Beck answered as she glanced towards the door. "When I got here, he didn't look too good, but by now he's probably all better." Especially after what Beck heard him doing with Ms. Blake in the middle of the night.

"Well, when you see him, give him a piece of my mind, would ya?"

"Oh, don't worry, I have a couple of things I want to say to Derek, you can count on that," Beck grumbled. "But besides your fun night at motel creepy, everything okay over there? How's Scott's injury?"

"Uh, fine," Stiles hummed. "Yep, all healed up. Like nothing happened."

"That's good to hear," Beck smiled. "And how's Lydia? You said she heard things. Acting weirder than usual."

"Uh, yeah, Lydia seems fine at the moment. A little freaked out, but fine."

"Good. So, I'll see you guys when you get back?" Beck asked as she moved to sit up, now fully awake.

"Yeah, we'll be back in a couple of hours," Stiles answered.

"Okay, bye."


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