96|something borrowed and something discovered

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"STILES," BECK CALLED as she peered into his bedroom, finding it empty.  She stepped in cautiously as she continued to speak to the empty room.  "I need your computer charger, my laptop's almost dead and I don't know where mine is.  Don't worry, I'm only borrowing it, not stealing.  Unless I forget to return it, then yeah I'm stealing it." 

   Approaching his desk, Beck grabbed the charger before turning back to the door.  That's when her eyes landed on the board.  Stiles's murder board. 

   Breathing through her nose, Beck approached the board with a shake of her head.  "Most teenage boys have naked pictures of girls on their walls.  But no, my foster brother has murder cases on his."  Beck muttered to herself as she studied the board. 

   Her eyes traveled over the many pictures taped to the board and Stiles's scribbled notes before landing on three lists taped to the board.  The Deadpool lists.  Humming, Beck read over the lists before noticing two things. 

   Two things that made her light green eyes widen. 

   "I'm just worried about her, that's all," Stiles sighed to Scott as they walked up the stairs of the Stilinski residence.  "You didn't see how Malia looked, Scott." 

   "We just have..."  Scott started but trailed off when he heard a heartbeat beating faster.  Tilting his head, Scott moved to Stiles's room before finding Beck. 

   Stiles followed his best friend, sighing in frustration when he too found Beck.  "Hey, I thought I told you to stay out of my room." 

   Beck didn't respond, light green eyes focused on the murder board in front of her. 

   "Beck?"  Scott called in concern, stepping closer to the small blonde. 

   "What is this?"  She finally asked in a soft voice, tearing her eyes away from the board.  She looked at the two juniors in front of her with confusion in her eyes.  "What is this?"  Beck repeated louder, pointing at the board. 

   Stiles's mouth fell open, realizing what Beck was pointing at.  The Deadpool lists.  The two things that he had been trying to keep from her. 

   "Stiles, what the hell is this?"  Beck snapped, looking back to the Deadpool lists taped to the board.  "Why... why is Derek's name the cipher key?  I thought only people who've died were used for the key.  Derek's not dead." 

   Scott and Stiles shared a look as Beck continued, her voice growing louder as she spoke. 

   "And why is my name written here?"  Beck questioned, turning to the first list.  "Why is my name written next to this one?  Who's 'Adalind Narrah'?  Stiles, I don't understand." 

   When Beck looked up at her foster brother again she looked so confused and broken.  It made Stiles release a sigh at what he had done.  He kept all of it from her, stuff she should have been told.  But like Malia, he was trying to protect the small blonde from the truth.  The truth she was about to find out. 

   "Stiles?"  Beck whispered as her bottom lip trembled. 

   "Beck, we have to tell you something," Stiles said softly, taking a step closer to the confused blonde. 

   "Don't say that," Beck whispered, shaking her head as she took a step back.  "People usually say that when they have something bad to say.  It's never good when people say they have to tell you something." 

   "Beck we're so sorry," Scott sighed, looking at his best friend before focusing on the young witch.  "We... we were keeping something from you." 

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