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"I JUST NEED to grab something real quick," Scott called as he ran up the stairs to his room, Stiles and Beck following after.

"Can we hurry, I have plans with Allison and Lydia," Beck grumbled after Scott as Melissa entered from the living room.

"Hi honey," Melissa called after Scott as he disappeared up the stairs. Melissa then turned to Stiles as he wandered down the hall. "Hey, Stiles-" But Stiles didn't answer as he rushed after his best friend. Melissa rolled her eyes at the brunette spaz before smiling down at Beck. "Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm good Melissa," Beck answered as she followed the mother into the kitchen.

"So, what are you and the boys doing tonight?" Melissa asked as she moved to prepare something for Scott to heat up for dinner that night.

"Well, I don't know what those two are doing, but I on the other hand am hanging out with Allison and Lydia."

"That sounds nice, what are you three doing?" Melissa smiled as she pulled out a knife to cut some vegetables.

"Lydia is taking us to get mani-pedis."

Melissa sighed as she shut her eyes. "Oh, I miss mani-pedis. Heaven knows I need one." Melissa added with a mutter as she looked down at her own nails.

"Maybe you could join us?" Beck offered.

"As incredibly nice as that sounds, I'll have to rain check on that. I have work tonight." Melissa gestured down to her scrubs, implying that she had a shift at the hospital. "But next time, definitely."

Beck giggled as Scott shouted from upstairs. "Mom! Did you see where I put my math textbook?"

Melissa released another sigh as she lowered her knife. "Boys," she muttered, giving the small blonde a knowing smirk. "Without women in their lives, they would be lost."

Beck covered her mouth as she laughed, nodding her head in agreement.

Waiting in the kitchen for either Scott or Stiles, Beck reached over the counter to grab a carrot stick, popping it in her mouth as she reached for her phone.


No, not her again!

Rebecca, you need to pay

"Leave me alone," Beck grumbled as she clenched her hands into fists.

You need to pay

"I swear," Melissa muttered, reentering the kitchen dusting off her hands. "That boy should have glasses. I know he's a werewolf and that should be impossible, but explain to me how my supernatural son couldn't see his textbook right in front of his eyes?" When the small blonde didn't respond, Melissa tilted her head in confusion. "Beck?"

Standing with her back to the nurse, Beck didn't move at the call of her name making Melissa approach her.

Do it the voice hissed in Beck's ear as her hand tightened on the handle of the knife in front of her. Do it

"Beck, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Melissa asked as she stopped next to the blonde.

Do it

"Beck," Melissa called as she rested her hand on top of Beck's clenched around the knife handle. Prying the sharp object out of the witch's hand, Melissa rested the other on Beck's shoulder. "Beck?"

Blinking, Beck lifted a hand to her head as she groaned. "What happened?"

"I don't know, you tell me," Melissa said as she turned Beck to face her. "I leave for five seconds and when I come back, I find you with a knife in your hand. What's that about?"

Beck's light green eyes widened slightly as she looked down at the knife still in Melissa's hand. "It... it's nothing."

Melissa lifted an eyebrow as she tilted her head. "You wanna try that again?" Beck shook her head, making Melissa sigh. "Sweetheart-"

"Hey Beck, let's go," Stiles called as he entered the kitchen. Making a b-line for the fridge, Stiles grabbed a carton of juice before beginning to chug.

"Dude, other people drink that," Scott sighed as his best friend lowered the carton from his mouth.

Wiping away his juice mustache, Stiles turned back to Beck. "Well, you're the one that has plans. Let's go."

Beck nodded quickly before heading for the front door with Stiles behind her.

"Scott," Melissa hissed as she grabbed her son's arm. "Keep an eye on Beck. Something weird just happened and I feel like Beck doesn't wanna talk about it."

"Weird how?"

"Weird as in clenching a knife till her knuckles were white and having no memory of it afterward weird," Melissa explained as she waved the knife still in her hand.

Scott glanced down at the knife before turning towards the front door. Returning his eyes to his mother, Scott nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye on Beck."

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