Ch 5: Lycan's Advocate

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Author's Note:

Happy first Friday of the month!

I tried the once a month thing, but I'm just too impatient. Plus, writing is going faster than I planned (because I'm having so much fun) so I'll also be updating HtSaWR on the third Friday of the month, too, at least until January. And let's face it, I'll probably still be impatient then too...

Oh well. More updates for everyone that way. Thanks for reading!

Now, back to Anne and Arthur...

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After I finally forced myself to leave Arthur alone in the guest room to a chorus of complaints from my wolf, I decided to go and talk to my sister.  I was a bit worried about how she was feeling.

I knocked on her door.  "Elle?"

"Yeah?" she said from the other side.  I quickly stepped in and shut it behind me.

Ellen was lying on her bed looking up at the ceiling as she so often was these days since her disastrous meeting with Wilson.  She was not actively crying, but the skin around her eyes was puffy.  I felt a bit bad that my perfect mate was rubbing the disaster of hers in her face.

Of course, the fault for that lay completely on her terrible mate's inferior shoulders.

<Yes, he is the worst.  Are you sure we couldn't quickly run over and bite that son of a tabby, even just a little?  Now that everyone knows we're future queen, there's nothing Wilson could really do about it," my wolf suggested hopefully.

If I would ever be tempted to abuse my future royal powers, it would be on him.

<Absolutely not,> I responded.


<Instead of focusing on Ellen's stupid mate, why don't you think about how great Arthur is?>

<He really is great.  I want to meet his wolf in the physical world soon.  I haven't found him in the Wolfscape yet, either.  This would be so much easier if we were already marked, you know.>

<Soon, maybe tomorrow, as long as you cooperate.  Meeting him, not the marking, I mean.>

I always had to be very specific with my argumentative wolf or my words would come back later to bite me.

<Fine,> my wolf agreed and disappeared into the darkness of my mind with a small contemptuous sniff.

As I put my wolf's arguments from my mind, my attention naturally drifted back to my mate.  Arthur really was attractive; he was at least five hundred times more attractive than Wilson by my estimation.  Poor Ellen, that not only was her mate relatively unattractive, but also a stupid jerk who broke her heart.

I sat on my sister's bed.  "How are you doing?" I asked, although it never seemed to be good lately.

"I'd say fine, but you know..."

"I know."

She sighed.  "I'd say I hate him, but I still love him so much."

I nodded.  While I obviously did not hate Arthur, I suddenly had a new understanding of just how deeply one's feelings could run for their mate and I could imagine what it would be like to hate in equal measure.

"I still don't understand why he didn't give me a chance," she sniffled.

I could have pointed out it was because he was a selfish moron, but in spite of everything, it still upset her when I insulted him.  She also really, really did not like it when I had suggested she properly reject him in return so she could move on with her life.  It was one of the few things my wolf and I entirely agreed upon.

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