Chapter 39: Why Now

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After Lily got straightened up, I left and looked for Arthur. He wasn't near where I had left him on the dance floor, although I spotted both Brandon dancing with Serenity, and Lucas dancing with my sister and laughing at something she said. Just friends, my foot.

Well, nothing I could do about that. But where was my mate?

After a minute or two of searching, I gave up. At the risk of seeming clingy—like most mates—I resorted to the mind link.  {Where are you?}

{Sorry, I had to step out to talk with my father and the royal beta. Will you manage alone?}

If he had wandered off to do work during my welcoming celebration, I might have had a nervous breakdown without him, but I was getting used to these opulent celebrations. {Yes, I'm fine. I was just wondering. Did something happen?}

{More rogues, but nowhere near the capital. None of our people got hurt, but...}

{Do you think it was Alpha Liam?} I couldn't understand what he hoped to accomplish if it was him, but he had seemed to have that crazy edge that maybe meant that his plans weren't entirely rational.

Arthur paused. {I don't know.} He sounded frustrated with the admission.

  I should let him get his tasks done. {I'll see you when you get back here. Don't worry about me. Love you.}

I worked the room alone without Arthur. I wasn't nearly as comfortable, but I managed. The worst part was that occasionally people would refer to me as the princess of the flames, which sent shivers of revulsion down my back every time I heard it. Seemed that everyone was trying to figure out the charlatan's prophesies, and the most popular interpretation was that I was going to be the one to save the kingdom or some other nonsense like that.

When I took a breather, even the queen seemed fascinated by the adherent's words. I sat in my assigned throne, and she quickly moved over and sat in Arthur's.

"So, Lady Anne—or should I say, 'Princess of the Flames, how are you holding up?"

I pasted a smile over my instinctual grimace. "I'm doing fine, Your Majesty. But do you really think there's something to what she said?"

The queen looked around to assure herself that no one was withing earshot before responding. "I don't know. Perhaps it is a true prophesy from the goddess, or perhaps it was just a way for our beloved Madame Rivera to use your current infamy to propel herself into the limelight. If it's the first, I respect her as an adherent, and if it's the second, I respect her as a canny promoter."

I blinked. Her response was delivered in such an even and rational tone that it contrasted therapeutically with all the reverent whispers and fawning I'd been enduring since she'd waltzed out of the palace. More than anything, I was relieved that she hadn't totally swallowed the adherent's performance hook, line, and sinker. "So it doesn't matter?"

She chuckled. "Not truly. If it's a true prophesy, it sounds only positive, and if it's not, her true believers will almost certainly interpret it in such a way that you look good. Either way, your public persona should only benefit from tonight's performance."

"So people will like this?"

"Well, you may lose some ground amongst the skeptics, but they're a small minority regardless. Not that you have any control over what she does either way. She's a powerhouse of influence. The only show that comes anywhere near her ratings is Opal." The queen tapped her chin. "Perhaps this would be the right time to get you on there, too. You can address the prophesy, and then speak of wedding plans. I'll confer with Andre tomorrow."

I didn't want to be on television, but if the queen decided that was the right thing to do, I wouldn't fight it. Most likely they'd tell me exactly what to say. I could memorize a script, and even though I'd rather watch a documentary than a talk show, the half mermaid who charmed her audience seemed very genial.

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