one hundred thirteen

Start from the beginning

"I love you too,"

Audelia was almost out the bedroom door when Rora spoke up again.

"Hey mom?" she hummed, turning back to look at Aurora as she buried herself under the covers, closing her eyes. "I saw dad working on something earlier, he tried to hide it, but I saw it. Tell him to try an inverted mobius strip."

Audelia let out a soft laugh, shaking her head at the genius that was her daughter, before shutting off the bedroom light and shutting the door.

Moving down the hallway, Deli made a stop in Morgan's room, looking down on her baby. Her miracle child, the product of her and the man she loved more than life itself, the man she'd do anything for. The product of a love she had waited her whole life for. She smiled, leaning in to place a kiss on her head, before shutting the door and moving downstairs toward her husband,

Tony was tucked away in the study, a hologram pulled up before him as Audelia waited on the stairs, trying not to make a sound. Tony Stark sighed as the computer simulation for time travel failed once again. Audelia smiled as she moved down the stairs. It didn't even take a word from her to convince him to try.

"Try an inverted mobius strip," she casually told her husband as she walked past him to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. A sad smile crossed her lips at the photo of Peter and Tony laying on the counter, the photo that sparked him to try.

Tony shook his head at her as she moved into the living room, before instructing FRIDAY to run the simulation.

"What, have a strike of genius while upstairs with the girls?"

"Aurora did, actually," Audelia shot back with a smirk as she grabbed her hologram pad from the couch, before moving back to the study. "So if this works, you might want to go thank you."

"She can have ice cream for every meal for the rest of her life if this works,"

With a tiny grin, Audelia stood on the opposite side of the table from Tony, the pair staring at the simulation. It flashed red for a second before actually working.

"Model rendered and complete," FRIDAY spoke to the pair as Tony stumbled back with wide eyes.


"Language," Deli threw in with a tiny laugh, looking at her husband with a smile that spoke a thousand words.

Tony looked up as Deli walked toward the living room, taking a seat on the couch as she beckoned him forward. He obliged, leaving the model complete on the table as he took a seat beside her.

Everything felt peaceful for a moment. With the light of the candles and the fire raging on in the fire place, the pair felt at peace. Even though they knew the conversation that was coming.

"I figured it out,"

"Technically Aurora did," Deli threw in as Tony rolled his eyes with a grin. "Yeah, yeah you did."

Tony looked over at her. His best friend, his first love, his only love. Audelia, the better half of him for his entire life- she was his entire life. His eyes trailed to the stairs, thinking of the two girls sleeping just upstairs. The one who he loved like his own, and the one who was his own.

"Not that it's a competition, but Morgan said she loved me 3000," Deli let out a slight laugh as she looked at Tony. "You were somewhere on the low 6 to 900 range."

"Oh, I bet," Deli could tell what he was doing. Humor was his way around any situation, no matter how stressful it was. She reached over, taking his hand in her own as they looked down at the rings on the other's finger. "We got really lucky."

"Yeah, I know,"

"A lot of people didn't,"

"We can't help everyone, you know?"

"Tony," Deli gave him a sad smile as she gripped his hand. "I don't think we're both naïve enough to really believe that."

He nodded, his eyes looking down at her ring and then back to her.

"Not if I stop. I put a pin in it right now," Tony stumbled over his words for a second. "I sometimes feel I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of a lake... go to bed."

"Tony," he let out the breath he was holding as Deli sighed, comfortingly moving her thumb over his hand. "Imperial became a part of my life, a part of me, because of you. You changed my life, from the moment we met, and you've continued to change it for the better. I have loved my life as Imperial, through every up and every down, and I know that you have loved your life as Iron Man. I know you love the team, just as much as I do, and I know you love both of those girls just as much as me. The life we have made together is something I will cherish forever...but somethings come before us. The people we failed come before us. If we both stopped, I don't believe we'd be able to rest."

There was a pause for a moment as Tony nodded his head. He knew she was right, she always was.

"Guess the kids get to go see Pepper tomorrow," the pair let out a small laugh at his comment. "This is going to be a long night, we're nowhere close to done. We have to figure out a way to actually travel and control-"

"Way ahead of you," Tony lifted an eyebrow at Audelia as she slid the iPad like device into his lap, pulling up the specs that she had been working on since their friends had left. "A time control watch, allowing us to safely navigate our way through time and ensure that we end up where we need to be."

Tony let out a laugh of disbelief as he grabbed the chin of the love of his life, pulling her into a kiss that neither wanted to pull away from.

"God, what would I ever do without you?"

Audelia smiled, her hand coming up to hold his cheek as her eyes never strayed from his.

"Let's get them all back,"

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I'm sorry guys, I really needed to take a break from this book for a little while to find the inspiration to go on

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I'm sorry guys, I really needed to take a break from this book for a little while to find the inspiration to go on. I love this story and these characters but you have to understand how much I go through to write these, so I really needed a break for a little bit.

Also, if you voted for Donald Trump, you can leave my profile and pretend that my stories and I don't exist. We don't support a racist, sexist, homophobic, pedophile on this page.

And if you have friends that are LGBTQ+ and you care about them and voted for Trump, then I need you to understand that you don't care about them. If you cared about them, you wouldn't vote for someone actively trying to hurt them. And to the women in your life, I hope you didn't vote for someone trying to strip them of their reproductive rights.

Fuck Trump.

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