Chapter 9- Mr. Len touches his kids

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I sit in Mr. Len's room, with my head laying on the desk and mouth wide open. I was in between that state of sleeping and being awake. It was really annoying actually.

I wanted to sleep so badly, but the picture that was in front of me was too intresting. Not intresting, per say, but one of those things were eventhough it's gross, you still can't stop watching it.

Lesley Hull and Miranda Keen were making out. Like no joke. Girl times girl action. Lesbians.

It was gross as hell. But still I sat there and watched. But in disgust.

"Oh my God. It's been like six damn minutes and y'all are still eatin' eachothers faces. Yes I'm gay but I ain't asking to have the shit beat out of me." Dax says.

I sit up and laugh.

There's no teachers in the room, sadly. Mr. Len had some stomach issues and as far as I was concerned he was either shitting his guts out or puking his guts out. When he ran out the room he wasn't lookin' so hot.
But if he was here, I wouldn't be witnessing PDA between lesbians. Which was a bad thing. But him not being here also meant, we terrible children who should be sent straight to hell for doing bad things in school, can do whatever the hell we want.

I didn't notice it until now, but there's like ten other people in here. And none of them have said anything about the lesbians. It was kinda ironic that the gay kid would break up the lesbians. Aren't they like brothers and sisters in a weird way? Sonce there like...ya know both gay?

Whatever, but when I look around a second time most of the people are guys. There's probably like two other girls that aren't me or the lesbians.

Miranda Keen turns around and looks at Dax who is smirking. She scowls.

"Shut-up gay boy!" someone yells.

I turn around and try to find who said it. It was some blond haired jock, who looked like a total cutie but a total dumbass. The only reason I knew it was him was because he was the only person who didn't look like he was hypnotized.

"Shut-up asshole!" Dax screams back.
"You little fag! I'm gonna beat yo-"

"Please, DA. Go shove your twig dick in someone else. Kay?" I say holding up my hand.

The boy looks shocked as everyone around us comes out the spell or something and laughs.

I can feel Dax pat my back and whisper in my ear a thank you.

I smile and laugh myself.

After about 30 minutes and Mr. Len hasn't come back, I decide to go through his desk. I don't know why but I feel like Mr. Len has some deep dark secret.

"You're gonna do what?" Dax asks raising a dyed eyebrow, "Trust me, I'm all for it. But with all these assholes around? Don't you think they're gonna tell?"

I shrug. "Do you think anyone's going to listen to them?" I say and then point to this red headed kid, "Look, Ginger over there. See him? Yeah well this is his thired time going through his ABC's and each time he's gotten stuck on 'H'."

Dax bites his lip and nods. "Point taken. Alright. Let's do 'dis!" he says and claps.

We both bolt up and run towards the front of the room. No one looks up or even acknowledges us, they're so involved in themselves.

I walk around to the back of his desk and start to open drawers and stuff. Most of his stuff is graded papers or classwork that has yet to be handed back yet. But there's one drawer that's different.

It's not filled with teacher crap and stuff but with like personal stuff like pictures and notes written between him and someone else. Why you would keep this in a desk where us high school rejects could get our hands on it remands a mystery.

But all I know is that this shit is intresting.

I start going through pictures of him with his kids and wife. Stuff that's really typical. But Dax pulls my attention to something.

"Wow shit! Look at this!" he says pointing to a line in a letter sent between him and his brother...I think.

"'Dear David, I think Ruthie found out what I do with Lilly. I thought I was alone with her and I started to you know...and apparently Ruthie was downstairs the whole time! She heard all her moans and gasps! I'm scared I don't know what to do!'" Dax says, eyes wide.

My mouth is open. I'm in shock.

"Holy...shit." I say.

"DUDE MR. LEN LIKE TOUCHES HIS KIDS! LIKE EW WHAT THE HELL MAN!" Dax screams. That grabs everyones attention.

"Mr. Len what?!" someone call out.

"Oh my God!"

"That's illegal!"

"Not in Utah...right?"

"Shut-up Prick head. It ain't legal to touch shit in any state let alone your kids."

"Yeah he's right!"

Everyone yelling and people running up to read the letter and I haven't even noticed that Mr. Lne has walked in.

My teacher got me pregnant (student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now