Seven 💫

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Today I feel like crap, which is always a feeling of a bad day ahead. I ignored my alarm clock for the first twenty seven minutes that is until Pearl came to my room and begun jumping on me telling me he is hungry. It’s always a routine that I wake up at 6:30 and prepare myself for the day and get Pearl ready for the day later on.  Being the lazy ass I am I also forgot to pick my outfit of the day yesterday night, making me spend another extra twenty minutes looking for suitable clothes. Today not being my day, it took me around thirty minutes to drop off Pearl at his kindergarten and arrive at work because of the traffic.

As I enter in the building , all eyes turn on me, well I think for many reasons one of them being I am an hour and a half  late and  two having worn a purple  unofficial dress. I was used to putting on official clothes that I almost forgot of my dresses. I walk to the elevators. I sigh as it closes towards my floor 52nd floor. I reach for my phone in my bag and find nothing. Seeing as this is a private elevator, knowing no one will get in I decide to empty my handbag in the floor only to come empty. I groan as I run my hand through my hair, only realizing I didn’t put it in a ponytail as I usually do. I am fucked. As the elevators dings open, I walk towards my office to find a worried Eric.

“What happened?” he asks as soon as he hands me his morning coffee.

“Woke up late” I state.

“Why weren’t you picking up my phone?”

“I forgot it at home.”

I say and begin walking towards my office door.

“Miles is in there and he is mad, did you forgot you had a meeting with him about an hour ago?” he asks seeing I have no answer, “Good luck girl calming the beast ,he has been  muttering how he hates lateness every time he asks me what time you will arrive. Oooh you look stunning today. “He winks and pushes me towards my office. I being the clumsy me and also not realizing the door was almost open almost fall inside my office. It doesn’t happen since the culprit responsible for opening the door from inside catches me in his arms. It takes about  a minute for him to realize that I am late and he lets go of me as if I am suddenly burning him, making me fall my ass down, hitting my left leg on the door.

I stand up ignoring the pain on my left leg and move towards my seat. Miles checks me out from head to toe and smiles.

“I am sorry for being late, our supposed meeting is supposed to end in five minutes, can we reschedule?” I ask politely.

“You look beautiful.” he says out of the blue as if he didn’t hear my request.

“Can we meet later today at my place?” he asks again out of the blue. That statement is so wrong in so many ways and I choke on my coffee “I didn’t mean that way, for the meeting I mean after your work to compensate for my meeting since I will be watching the kids today their babysitter isn’t available.”

“Ok at five-ish and I’m coming along with Pearl. I need an address.” I say and he scribbles something on a paper and hands me. I stand to show him out when I feel a shooting pain in my left leg and cry out. I hate pain, every little pain always makes me think I am dying, don’t get me wrong  ,I don’t think of death always but when I’m pain in that’s when I think of it. I look down at my left feet and see a bruising and it has started to swell. Seeing that I cry out louder making Miles who was inspecting my leg after my first cry to push me down to a sitting position. He wipes the tears that are streaming down my face and asks me so slowly like asking a kid where my first aid box is and I show him. He tends to my leg so calmly and carefully like a kid’s which I am thankful of.

“Are you okay?” he asks after he finishes attending to my leg and removing my other flat shoe. Oooh yes I tripped while I wore flat shoes.

I nod with embarrassment as I look down, I feel ashamed for he saw me acting like a kid.

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