Twenty Five ✨

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"Wake up !" "Amanda!"

"Why are you shaking me this violent!" As I shout , that's when I hear the smoke detector. "Miles what's going on?"

"I don't know, but I woke you up as soon as I heard the detector. Let's go and check on the kids!"

On our bedside watch it reads 1:28 am . We hurry to the kids room only to find the room empty.

"Fuck no where are our children?"

"I don't know, last night they were just here "

The smoke detector was on but as we notice , there is no smoke or even a fire . Someone made the false alarm happen. We decide to look for the kids in all the rooms.

Ten minutes later , there is no sign of even one kid. This is really bad , someone took our children.

"Amanda call your mum ,  I'm calling the police" Miles shouts while ruffling his hair. My heart is thumbing so loudly and I bet Miles can hear it. Who took my poor babies

Mum doesn't pick up her phone on the first two rings. Let's just hope she is okay .

"Amanda it's fucking one in the morning. Why are you calling me !" She scolds me and I break down. "Amanda is everything okay ? "That's when I let the dam of tears break .

"Mum 'hickup' someone kid 'hickup' napped 'hickup' my kids!"

"They did what now !" "Phil get up !""honey tell me what happened "she says and I hear shuffling as if

At this point I can't control myself anymore, I start crying out loudly.

"Miles woke me up when he heard the smoke alarm but there was no fire . When we went to the kids room they were not present. "

"Have you looked everywhere in the house ?"

"We have like two times mum, they are not here. "

"Phil hurry the fuck up , I don't care , take that short route. " She shouts at Phil who by the sound of it , he is driving. " Honey can you calm down for me please. "

"I can't mum , it's so hard!"  Am covered by a familiar scent who pulls me closer to him and rubs my back. "Are my children going to be okay "

"I don't know that Amanda , but you freaking out isn't helping anyone at all. Remember you are pregnant. "

"Am so scared mum. What if they hurt them. " Mum continues whispering sweet nothings through the phone  until she gets here . The sight of her could have been comical if not for the situation at hand, she is dressed in an oversized t shirt, which I guess belongs to Phil ,with very baggy shorts . Behind her Phil has a similar short to mum's with just a bathrobe .

I jump into her arms as she is in my sight .

"Everything is going to be okay. Let's make you a cup of tea as we wait for the cops and your siblings to get here. "she says dragging me to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later , the cops show up . There was no sign of forced entry , they said they will work under the clock for my kids to be back safely.

"Okay they are gone but two of them have  been stationed outside your door. But as Miles told them , we already have two main suspects. "Tony begins

"Yeah your ex wife or her ex husband. " Kennedy says

"To be frank I think Tristan did it " Tony says "but we have been so careful in tracking him , but I think we missed something."

" My private investigators tell me that they have not seen him for the past three days. " Miles says .

My heart feels so constricted right now , it's like it's being ripped in pieces . I keep zoning out and imagining every worse situation the kids could be going through. With the motherly instincts I have, I know they may be crying now. It's now I wish that I could not have listened to either Tony or Miles and just followed through my investigations of finding Tristan myself.  Maybe it's my fault. If I could be more careful with how I handled the Tristan situation.

"No P you are not going to blame yourself for this ." Ken says

"I know it's not my fault but I could have,,,"I begin

"We are not doing could have and would haves right now Miss P "mum begins " we are all staying positive for the sake of the kids. And as far as I know my grand sons  they are the strongest kids I know and they will both protect Ellie. She's their little sister."

I nod as I remember of how happy they were today when I told them I may take them the next day to buy new toys . In fact Pearl was the happiest, he loves new toys , he even has a collection. Baby Ellie was bouncing up and down on her bed while saying mamaa . Danny being the mature one , calmly said.

"But you already got a lot of  toys you don't use  Pearl "

"Yeah Ma said we could donate them to that orphanage near granny's place."

"Mummy can I also take my other toys ?" He cheerfully asks

"Yes you can , then you can get the new toys you have been talking about the whole week. "

He beams and comes and hugs my legs" thank you mama. You are the best , isn't she Pearl?" He asks Pearl who I know is not even listening to us since he is busy trying to play barbie with Ellie.

These kids have become my breather.  I need to be strong for them , I need to find them no matter what. We have been waiting for someone to call fo like more than two hours but no one has called us yet.

The strong Miles I know is not the one am looking at , this Miles looks dejected and sad. We both need to be strong for the kids and we will , because at the moment, we have already deployed every resources we have to help find them.  So patience is what we actually need.

"Hey ,"I say as I walk towards him "I'm also sad and heartbroken that it happened on our watch but we could have done nothing. "

"I know "be says as he pulls me on his lap.  He kisses my forehead as he cuddles me . "Let's just hope that whoever took them does not even hurt a single hair on their heads."

"They won't coz our boys are as stubborn and they will protect their sister at all costs."

"Yeah , you remember the mall incident?"

"Ooh yeah I do , remember how Perl saud it was an accident when he tripped that boy who was trying to take Ellie's Barbie doll from her"

"Then Danny was like ,the guy walked over Pearl's leg and fell and he was so damn serious. " Miles says imitating Danny's voice making me laugh. "That glow is what I have been wanting to see. " He says beaming. "Whoever has them will even regret taking them because I know they are giving them hell. "

"Yeah I know. We have to make sure that by tomorrow our kids are in our arms again."  He nods

With the silent charters going on , we both hear the chiming of my phone indicating a text just came in .

"These babies are not such brats as I thought they were . " The text says and in follows a picture of all three kids in one bed , all asleep.  Who has them ?

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