Chapter 5 and 6

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I couldn't believe it, Maggie was dead! That bastard, he'd cut off her head in front of the whole town. I refused to cry in front of Dave and the others, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. I couldn't understand what she could have done to incur Nathaniel's wrath, the poor girl, her face was so battered that the blood was still pouring even after her death. I couldn't even be by her side at the end, I could feel the tears welling up inside me, as the image of Maggie's lifeless body flashed in my mind. He was sick in the head, he'd put Maggie's head on a spike for all to see. He told everyone that it was going to stay there, it was bad enough he'd killed her. But to violate her body that way, letting everyone see it.

I looked through the window but didn't know where we were going, I'd just been ordered to get in the car. I was somewhat thankful that I was in the car with Nathaniel's men and not Dave's people. Dave's men went in one car, while five of Nathaniel's men plus me were in the 4 x 4, another five of Nathaniel's went in a third car.

'Where are we going?' I asked Cyrus.

'We're going to teach some people a lesson,' he replied.

There was something in his eyes that told me something was amiss, I wondered what was going on. Was it Dave and his men they were going to kill or were there other people around? I saw small roads and tiny towns, there were rodents scurrying along dirt paths. As we droved into forest the sun fell below the horizon, we were heading west but still I couldn't figure out exactly where we were heading.

We drove over a large white bridge, I recognised it as 'Skye Bridge' we were heading to the Isle of Skye. Surely if they wanted to teach Dave and his men a lesson, they wouldn't have come all this way to do it. There must be other people here, as I looked out the window at the stunning scenery before me a sad thought occurred to me. My family might be here, I knew Jensen, Tamara and Tom would not rest until they found us. I hadn't known Frankie long, but I felt sure that she would help them. After all she did travel through corpse infested towns just to keep a promise to my Cameron. I shook my head not wanting to believe it, I had already watched them kill Maggie, I just couldn't suffer through seeing the rest of my family brutally murdered.

By the time we reached our destination the sun was almost completely gone, I got out of the car to find myself near a large, beautiful castle. It stood tall with three floors and a keep on top, the tower was slender and simple. The grounds were stunning, I could see the greenery stretching round to the back of the castle, I could just make out a lake round the back. Yet the beautiful scenery was tainted by the sight of the open truck full of walkers, that stood just in front of the castle doors. Large locked iron gates stood between us and the castle grounds.

'What do we do now?' Asked Dave fearfully.

'We get in there, what else,' growled Cyrus.

As Cyrus and Byson made Dave and his men work on getting the gate unlocked they walked around looking for any walkers that might be hidden. I stood by the gates watching Dave and his lot, the gates were locked with a big metal chain and a padlock.

'I need the bolt cutters,' Dace shouted to his men.

They raced to the car to get a large pair of bolt cutters, I stood not saying a word. It wouldn't serve me to speak, especially with how angry and grief stricken I was at the time. After a few minutes Dave managed to get the gates open, Nathaniel's men stood by as Dave opened the gates as quietly as they could.

'Everyone be quiet, no sudden sounds or movements,' Byson whispered.

We all just nodded, I was near to the back of the group between two of Nathaniel's men Lonnie and Ron. Lonnie was a slender man in his thirties, he had shaved black hair bulging brown eyes and tanned skin. He didn't portray as being as nasty as some of the men in Nathaniel's group, but I knew when it came to these men to never let my guard down.

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