26. BFF Cupid Duties!

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Noah's P.O.V

 "I hope you know CPR, because you took my breath away!"


"Who is he by the way?" I ask, trying my level best not to show my anger right now. Olives gave me a sly look as she smirked at me. 

"How do you know it's a he?" Olives asked cheekily.

"I don't know, but the pick up line is cheesy enough to be from a guy!" I huffed. 

Trust me, I would be the happiest person if it's a girl. Yeah, I know, what's wrong with girlfriends? She can be lesbian!

Let me tell you, I am totally cool with lesbian, but I know Sienna isn't one maybe because uhmm, yeah... I MIGHT have stalked her and like hacked her account to find out more about her... But I can do that!

I am the bad boy for heaven's sake! Gotta maintain the image!

"Shall I ask?" Sienna asked. We both nodded. She typed a message asking his or her gender.

After sometime a message came, "Last I checked, I am sure I was your Prince Charming so a guy ;)"

FUCK! It's a fucking guy!

"Seems like a guy!" Sienna snickered. 

"The amount of ego and arrogance he has seems enough to prove he is a guy!" Olives winked at her. 

He messaged again, as Sienna opened her phone to check it. We were again about to peep in when she pushed us away.

"Enough peeping for today!" She quickly hid her phone from our sight. I pouted as we went back to our game. Sienna was getting distracted a lot by the texts and so was I. 

Who was he? What was he texting?

"You know what, I am bored now. I am gonna go and binge watch something! You up Sienna?" Olives asked, stretching on the couch. 

"K sure! I will just make a quick trip to the washroom." She smiled as she kept her phone on the couch. Olives pointed the direction as she turned towards me and asked curiously, "What do you wanna do?"

"Well, nobody is at home so I might as well stay here!" I grinned as I lied down on the couch as she rolled her eyes. 

"Fine lazy ass! What will you do by the way?" Olives asked, placing her hands on her hips. 

"Surely not what you guys are doing! I might as well do something on my laptop!" I shrugged as she nodded and grabbed her laptop and ran up to her room. 

I glanced at the phone kept on the couch, tempting me to pick it up and scroll through it. Without thinking for a second time, I quickly picked it up as I switched it on.

Sorry Sienna for the invasion of privacy but I have to know what the fuck is going on...

It was password protected. Of course it is dumbass, who doesn't have a password?

Now only one thing is left, I have to hack it. I quietly slipped in my pendrive in her phone and started the transfer process. 

Just a few more seconds... Don't come out Sienna!

At last it was done! Yes!

"It is locked!" I heard a voice from behind causing me to jerk up. I gave Sienna a guilty smile as she crossed her arms at me. 

"I saw that!" I grinned as I handed her phone back, but not before rubbing it against my arm to bring it back to it's normal temperature. 

Hacking 101, I am a pro guys...

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