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Idina POV

When I came home dad is in the living room waiting for me.

"You're here."

"Dad I'm sorry I didn't go to work. I"

"Sit down." He look so serious. "Do you want to tell me something?"

I'm confused. "No. It's nothing dad."

"Dee you can tell me anything. I'm your father." He looks like he already knew.

Tears came again. "Dad I don't know what to do."

"Do you still love him?" He hugged me and brushed my hair.

"I don't know dad. I don't understand my feelings for Taye. I love Aaron. But...but..."

"I think you should meet with him."

"What for?"

"You didn't have a proper closure. You're still stuck there. You have to end it properly for you to move on."

"What if I can't?"

"Just remember that no matter what happen I'm always here for you. Okay? Joanne will be there for you too. We're here for you remember that." He touched my nose and I smiled. I feel lighter now that I was able to talk about it with someone. I'm really glad dad is here. He didn't go to work just to be with me. Just what I need - a father.

Idinaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن