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Idina POV

Today dad will be discharge. He can finally come home. I'm so happy. My birthday is still two weeks away but I already received my present - my dad. Oh right I forgot about Taye. I haven't given him my answer. Will we meet again? I hope so. I think I like him. Focus Idina. You have to stay focus. By the way how will we get home? I can't ride a car.

"Idina let's go" Aunt K called opening the car door.

"Uhm. Aunt why don't you go ahead with dad. We'll meet at the house."

"Dee you have to overcome that fear."

"I will. Just not now." I kiss her cheek and dad's. I watch as they left. I ran fast to the subway. I accidentally bump someone. It's him. It's Taye.

Taye POV

I can't believe it. It's Idina. I never thought I could see her again.

"Hi!" That's all I could say. I don't know what else to say. I'm nervous. My heart is pounding so fast.


She's panting. She must have been running. Even when covered with sweat she still looks gorgeous.

Idina POV

It's Taye. Gosh how do I look? I'm sure I look awful. I'm so sweaty. Why did I run so fast.

"How's your dad?"

"He's better. He's already discharged."

"That's good to hear."

"I'm sorry but I really have to get home." I don't want to leave but I have to.

"Wait Dee. You haven't answered my question."

"What question?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"I loved to."


"Do I looked like I'm joking?"

"How about Saturday at 03:00? Let's meet at the park."

"Sounds good. Bye."

IdinaWhere stories live. Discover now