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On her sixteenth birthday her life changed. Everything changed. The life she knew suddenly disappeared.

Every year they attend this charity ball. It's an event held to support a foundation that help the abandoned elders. Her father is the co-founder. She's very excited for this moment. It's the first time she's going to sing along with her mother. She inherit her mom's voice. (But she loves dancing more.) Ever since ten she dreamed of singing with her mom in public but she's not that confident.  She thought, "Finally! Why didn't I sing with her before? She asked me to sing in her concerts. Well I can't sing in her concert. What if I mess up? There are too many people around. At least here I know almost everyone. I won't have to worry messing up I think they're family friends."

The event was a success. On the way home Mr. and Mrs. Menzel praise their daughter. They never expect her to be that good. They rarely hear her sing. And if she sings she cannot finish it and she's never serious about it. The car was filled with laughter as they continue chatting about the earlier's happening when suddenly......

A collision happened. Their car flipped. Mrs. Menzel tried to protect Idina. The car that hit them seems fine. It was driven by a drunk guy. The driver just left.

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