Losing their Temper

Start from the beginning

"Schwoz is not here," Mika reminded him, "He is out with his horse– Uh... I mean sister."

Ray groaned in annoyance and walked over to the smartboard.

"Robbery at Nacho Ball, " He read, "looks like we are going out."

Mika's face wrinkled in thought. "There have been quite a lot robberies lately. It's almost like a writer ran out of ideas for crimes."

The others looked at her like she had just grown a second head.

"All I'm saying is-"

"Blah blah who cares?!" Chapa interrupted her, "It's skull smashing time!"

Quickly everyone transformed into their superhero suits.

"Which Nacho Ball?" AWOL asked as his teammates stepped closer to him.

"The nice one," Captain Man said.

"Well, then hold on, and let's see what the universe will provide."

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Ray yelled, furiously pacing up and down in the Man's Nest.

The boys and Mika, who were sitting on the couch, followed him with their eyes. They had never seen Ray so angry before. Sure, he had been angry after they had messed up his interview, or when they had taken so long at the emergency drill, or when- well... that wasn't so important right now.

But all the time back then, Ray had been offended or annoyed. Or maybe insulted. Right now, however, he was livid.

And at the end of his anger stood no other than Chapa.

The girl was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and a not so happy expression on her face as well.

"What I was thinking?! What's that supposed to mean?!"

Ray continued pacing, inhaling sharply. "I know, that plans don't always work out. Sometimes you need to improvise. But seriously how could especially you mess up that bad!" Ray's voice got louder with every word.

Chapa looked like she wanted to say something, but Ray kept talking. "If luck hadn't been on our side today, those robbers would've gotten away! And that would have been your fault!"

But Chapa wouldn't Chapa if she would just stand there and take this."Oh?! And what did you do, oh mighty Captain Man?!"

"You mean besides cleaning up your mess, and correcting your failures?!Oh, I don't know! Maybe stopping the fucking crime?!"


When Danger Force had popped up out of nowhere, the three robbers were pretty surprised. But giving up never crossed their minds.

The two men and the woman made a run for the door, but Volt and Captain Man blocked their path.

"We can do this the hard way or the harder way." The latter said, cracking his knuckles.

One of the two male robbers thought he could overrun Volt, but the girl pushed him back with way more strength than he had expected from a child. He stumbled but quickly regained his balance.

The second man realized, that their only way out was through a fight. Even if they were outnumbered and clearly at the disadvantage.

Witha battle cry, he threw himself at Captain Man, slipping away under the hero's arms, and holding him in a headlock.

This is how Legends are Made (Danger Force Chapa)Where stories live. Discover now