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One month later

I and Alex were soon going to get married. We told both of are families that we were getting married and that I was pregnant. They were so happy, Julia wanted me to stay with her.

I quickly finish making the breakfast feed Alexa before she proceeds to do her homework.

I go to the bedroom to wake Alex up.
" Alex up! Comeon you'll be late for work." I say tapping on his bare shoulder and he groans.

I frown when I notice his body felt hot. I climb on the bed tapping his shoulder gently and he looks up at me with hooded eyes.

" Hey.. morning babe.." he says his voice coming out raspy.
I place my hand on his forehead and it was burning.

" Babe you have fever.." I say and he nods slightly snuggling into my lap.

" I'm fine honey-"

" No no... just stay home, I'll call Kabir to inform him hmm? Just stay here I'm get you medicine." I say and he nods smiling.

I quickly rush out and call Kabir.

" Hey man "

" Hey" he says

" I don't think Alex can make it work today, Alex is sick, is it okay?"

" Oh yeah sure." He says and I thank him hanging up before going to Alexa in the living room.

" Are you done with that baby?" I ask her carressing her hair and she nods smiling.

" Yes mommy. " She says and I smiling checking her answers.

" Aww my baby is so smart " I say picking her up and nuzzling my face in her neck making her giggle.

" Where is daddy?" She asks and sigh.

" Baby daddy has fever so he's going to rest today." I say and she nods smiling.

" Let's go now, shall we? " I ask and she nods excited. I change into a formal attire and dress Alexa up.

I grab the medicine from the med box and go to the bedroom with Alexa waddling behind me.

" Alex, here have this." I say and he slowly gets up grabbing the medicine and water muttering a small thankyou.

" Daddy get well soon!" Alexa says climbing on the bed and crawling into his lap. He gives her small smile patting her head.

" I will baby. " He says kissing her head.

" You're leaving for work?" He asks and I nod taking the glass from his hand and handing him a shirt to wear.

" Take care okay, make sure you eat on time, don't stress too much and don't you dare drink coffee." He says and I chuckle nodding.

" Okay dad. " I say and he smirks.

" I prefer daddy from that pretty mouth of yours. " He says winking and my eyes widen. I smack him lightly with the cushion making his chuckle.

" Just call me if you feel more sick okay? I made porridge, it's in the fridge, heat it up and eat. " I say and he nods smiling. I kiss his forehead tucking him in the sheets before picking Alexa up

" Bye Daddy! " Alexa says waving at him and he gives her a flying kiss.

" Bye baby " he says in return.

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