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Alex gets the trolley and I pick Alexa up making her sit in it like always.

" Yay!!" She says dangling her legs in air in joy.

She loves sitting in these. I look at Alex who's randomly roaming around.

Clueless guy.

" Alex!" I call him and he looks at me

" Is this your first time?" I ask and he nods uncertainly making me smile

" Yeah, my maid usually does this for me..."

" Okay, you can take care Al, I'll go get the stuff." I say and he nods

" Is there something specific you want to eat?"

Alex's pov

She turns around to ask
" Is there something specific you want to eat?"

I felt happy when she asked me that... it's been so long since someone's asked me that....

I smile and nod

" Anything you make is fine Leona." I say and she smiles at me

" Still tell me.."

" Umm...maybe a chicken stake, egg rolls and pasta would do..." I say and she thinks for a bit

Did I say too much??

" Is it too-"

" Okay! Which sauce for pasta?" She asks smiling

" White would do..." I say and she nods.

I missed this food so mom used to make these for me ...

But then...

" Alex!!" I hear alexa call me and I look down at the little one

" Yeah baby what's wrong?"

" Are you sad?" She asks looking at me with concern in her doe eyes and I smile

" Yeah..."

" Why?" She asks

" I miss my mom...." I say and she nods before tugging me to lean down which I do

" I can share my mommy with you Alex" she says kissing my cheek and I chuckle at her cuteness.

" Really? Thanks princess" I say and she nods smiling

" No problem Alex!" She says.

I see Leona coming towards me with various stuff in her hand and dumping them in the trolley before frowning at both of us

" Are you guys having fun without me?" She says and Alexa looks at me

" No mommy! Alex misses his mom so I offered to share you with him." She says making her eyes widen and she chuckles a bit

" Aww baby that's really sweet but I don't want such a big baby" she says and I place my hand on my heart like I'm hurt

" That hurts bambolina, comeon you could have me, I'd love that." I say winking and she blushes looking away

" Idiot." She mutters before slamming the green onion on my chest and walking away.

" Fiesty" I say biting my lip as I look at her walk away

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