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I've been to this place many times in my career but yet today is the day I'm probably most nervous...

I take a deep breath and sit down next to Viv.

She squeezes my hand and look at her with a small smile.
The judge looks at me and smiles, probably because he's seen me many times.

" Miss Romano?" He asks and I stand and smile

" Yes, My lord" I say before sitting again

" And... Mr. Parker" he says looking at Noah and he stands greeting the judge.

" Okay, both the parties are present" he says and then smiles at Alexa who was sitting at the desk.

" You would be Miss Alexa Romano?" He asks and Alexa nods smiling

" I'm Alexa! Nice to meet you~" she says and the judge smiles

" Nice to meet you too" he says to her before continuing

" Okay then let's continue then, we're here for custody of Miss Alexa Romano"

" Miss Leona and Mr Noah were married for a year and had a baby, that would be Miss Alexa, after divorce Miss Leona has the custody till now am I right?" He asks

" Yes, my lord." Vivian replies

" So now Mr. Parker asks for the custody, may I ask why?"

" My lord, my client Mr. Noah Parker has equal amount of right over Alexa. He was separated from his daughter by Miss Leona for the past three years" Sam says and I look at her in disbelief

" Mr. Parker here would like to have his daughter's custody because of the fact that Miss Leona is not suitable to be a mother for her."

She finishes before sitting down and I feel a pang of betrayal in my heart when she says that.

" That's not true my lord. Miss Romano has been her gaurdian since her birth and she is very capable of taking care of her by herself." Vivian says and the judge nods

" Here are the documents that show Alexa's class reports, her behaviour and overall report, this file consists of documents that show her earnings are also enough." She says submitting them and he goes through them.

" What about you Mr. Parker, what makes you say that Miss Romano is not capable of taking care of Alexa?"

" Yes we do have evidences and witnesses too, my lord" Sam says

I feel a bit nervous when she says that.

" Present them." He says and she nods and calls out for the person but then my eyes widen when I see the person.
It's Nana's mother...

She tells them how I had insulted her and threatened her and I mentally curse at myself for saying those stuff.

Well if that wasn't enough the bitches from work came and gave false statement for Noah.

That's it....I couldn't keep it anymore...tears start to spill from my eyes slowly...

I look at Noah and he smirks at me. I wanna smack his face so bad...

I can't believe I was in love with this trash..

" Are you okay Miss Romano?" The judge asks me and I nod wiping my tears away.

I look at Alexa who's was looking at me with teary eyes.

My poor baby...I couldn't do anything for her...I promised that I won't let her go... But I can't...

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