Thirty-first chapter

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Before lunch we received back the History and English tests, which of course well done. I heard Liz spoke with Aaron a lot. I felt terrible.

"Hello Amanda." AJ greeted me when I sat down on the chair in the canteen. Izzy and Valerie weren't here. Valerie sat next to Nick where Liz and Aaron sat too.

"Hi guys." I said with a fake smile.

"What's up with you?" Steven asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Why was Liz sitting with us?" He asked. I shrugged. "I have never asked that so I am doing it now. How did you start to talk with each other?"

"On the corridor." He looked at me questioningly.

"On the corridor? Really?" I nodded. "Amanda we were always honest." He said.

"Oh, ok. It doesn't matter anyway. I live with her and her family." They looked surprised and looked at each other.

"What?" AJ asked.

"I live with them during this time." I explained. Steven grinned. "Why you look at me like that?" I asked and I raised the glass of water to my mouth.

"I feel love is in the air." He sang. I started coughing and put down the glass.

"You aren't funny Steven." I said indignantly after I felt better.

"If you don't believe me just turn your gaze there." I quickly turned my head. My gaze met with Liz's, but she looked away in confusion and leaned close to Aaron who kissed her. I turned forward nervously. " Believe it or not she has been staring at you since you sat here." Steven said with a smile.

"I don't care." I said.

"Did something happen between you two?" I blushed and looked at my food. "I wondered why she wasn't sitting here anymore, but is that different right?" I didn't respond. "I knew it. Can you see? I said." He said to AJ. "We need to guess, or you want to tell the story?"

"Steven! Leave her! Don't you see that she has enough problem anyway?" AJ asked.

"I'm sorry!" He said and we continue to eat. "Does she kiss well?" He asked after a while.

"Steven!" AJ slapped his boyfriend's arm.

"I don't know what it's like to kiss a girl or do other things with one of them." He smiled. I reached for the glass of water and drank what was in it. I felt if I didn't do it my face will burn. Steven opened his mouth. "Wait! No. Isn't it? Say no!" He asked in surprised. I filled my glass with water again and drank it without looking at him. "Were you a bottom or a top?" He asked.

"Steven!" AJ said with a raised voice and he pinched Steven's waist.

"Auch!" Steven looked at him angrily. "Can't I speak with my friend like the gay with the gay?" AJ rolled his eyes and continue to eat. "When? Did you like it? Who initiated it?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled angrily.

"I understand. She is a bitch." I looked at him threateningly. "Don't look at me like that. She is together with Aaron again. This isn't done by a normal person."

"She does what she wants. On Saturday I will go back, and I will forget what happened." I said. Steven started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked angrily.

"Oh honey! You will never forget it. Never." He said with a faint smile.

After the lessons we waited for Alex. Liz didn't go to the Drama Club yesterday because the last performance was Romeo and Juliet for the graduates. I wouldn't have gone anyway since I had no desire or strength to sit there alone.

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