Sixteenth chapter

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The penultimate lesson also began. Someone started laughing in the middle of the lesson. A guy folded glasses made of paper and put them on his ears.

"Look. I'm a geek too." He said. Then I realized what he said. I was the only one who is wearing glasses. "Hey!" he shouted angrily. I looked there in fear. "Who was that?" He stood up and picked up the pellet from the floor.

"Did you do that little gay boy?" He said while he leaned over AJ and Steven's desk and pulled up AJ by his collar. I looked at them in fright.

"Brody! Go to the headmaster's office!" Brody let go of AJ's collar and turned to the teacher.

"I didn't even do anything." He said indignantly.

"I don't care! Go!" The teacher pointed to the door. He mumbled but he stood up and walked out nervously.

"Why did you do that? It was just a joke." I heard a muffled voice.

"Aaron! If you don't stay quiet either you can go after Brody!" The teacher said without looking at him. He looked at his book with chalk on his right hand.

"I apologize." Aaron said. When the teacher turned away forward to the board everyone started whispering about the case but after the teacher turned around and said that everyone gets inadequate if they won't keep quiet no one dared to even cough. Poor Izzy.

The last lesson passed calmly. Brody didn't come back. Everyone walked out of the classroom when they heard the school's bell.

"Hey!" I turned toward the voice and I looked at Steven and AJ. "Don't pay attention what Brody said. He is a dick." Steven said. I nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked and looked at AJ. He nodded. "I'm so sorry!"

"Didn't you do it." He shrugged.

"If I hadn't..." I started to say.

"We're glad you're here. At least they finally kick that monkey out. Don't blame yourself! I will protect you!" Steven said with a broadly smile. AJ snorted.

"You? With that little muscle? Please!" AJ said and rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't bother you when..." Someone coughed loudly. All three of us looked toward the entrance where Liz stood looking at us with a serious face for a few seconds and then walked out.

"I have to go now! Bye guys!" I said and I hurried after Liz. She walked up and down in the parking with folded arms. She looked at the pebbles under her feet then looked up at me.

"Why were you talking with them?" She asked with an incomprehensible look.

"It's not allowed?" I asked.

"They are weird." He said and grimaced.

"At least they are kind and they talk with me." I said.

"Me too." She said and kicked the pebbles.

"Why do you leave your lunch there in the canteen?" I asked after a few minutes. A car stopped close to us. Liz walked around the car and sat down. I sighed and sat down too.

"Hi Amanda." Noel said.

"Hi." I said.

"How was your first day?" Alex asked.

"It wasn't bad." I said gloomily.

"Something happened?" He asked.

"No." I lied and looked out the window.

"Did you make friends?" He asked.

"Yes, I did." I said in a monotonous voice. I tilted my head against the windowpane.

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