Eleventh chapter

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After we went to the kitchen I stopped and looked at the door.

"Why is there a skeleton?" I asked and I continued to watch it sparkle.

"He is Steven." Noel said.

"Left over from Halloween." Alex said.

"Why Steven?" I asked.

"Why not?" They said at the same time. I couldn't agree with that.

After we drank our tea Noel and I went up and played for at least another hour when Alex reappeared.

"Lunch time. Come down!" He said.

"Yeah! I won again. I am unbeatable!" Noel said proudly. He stood up beside me and walked down.

The truth is that my attention has been distracted a lot of times from the game, which Noel also noticed. Sometimes he told me to watch the screen, but after a while he got tired of saying it and he didn't mention it anymore. I was constantly reminded of Liz that she didn't want me to be here. As she looked at me and what she said. She really would have been happier if I am a homeless person whom no one knows? I thought she will be happy to I be here. Me! The princess! She doesn't even know me. I don't know her either. I can't understand her.

"Are you okay?" Alex jerked out of my train of thought. He put his hand on mine and slowly pulled out the controller from my hand. I looked down and saw that while I was thinking I was squeezing hard the controller because my fingers were whitened. I rubbed my palms together to warm them up a bit.

"What makes you think I'm not well?" I said in a monotonous voice.

"Are you thinking about Liz?" I nodded without looking at him either. "It's very new to her too." He sighed. "I didn't tell them because I intended it as a surprise that you were coming. I thought you got along well and later you make friends because you are girls. I never would have thought of what happened. If she come home tomorrow, I'll talk to her. Now she's angry because I brought a stranger into the house mostly in her room but don't take it all on yourself. Her anger isn't really directed at you but at me so don't blame yourself." I looked at him. "She is talking with her friend and she will calm down. Don't worry!" He smiled.

"What if she will tell her friend that I am the princess?" It come to my mind. Alex looked at me with wide eyes. He jumped up and headed for the door.

"Trouble." I looked after him in fright. I got up after a while and walked after him. I thought he was in the kitchen, so I went in there but only Noel was there.

"Where is Alex?" I asked nervously. Noel had already eaten the soup.

"He is calling Jewels outside." He said with a full mouth. "Aren't you coming to eat?"

"I'll be back." I said quickly. Then after I left the house, I noticed him as he grabbed the phone nervously and sometimes lifted it from his ear.

"Shit." He said and he pressed something on his phone then he lifted it to his ear.

"Hi Colin." He started to speak a few seconds later and blew out the air which he was holding inside. "Yes, I want to talk to with Liz." He looked at me. "Tell her it's very important." Break. "Liz! Go out the door so they don't hear what I'm saying. Don't object!" He said in a stern voice. "Did you tell her?" Break. "That the princess is Amanda?" Break. "What is it not yet? Don't try!" Break. "What will happen? You will be in punishment until you aren't spending your twenty-one years old. You can't go anywhere outside of school. You can't go especially to Aaron and I'll take your phone." Break. "I can do it."

"I hate you." I heard she scream by phone. He lowered his hand in which the phone was. He sighed.

"Let's go to eat!" He said and headed for the house.

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