Diary pt-8

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13th October 1985

11:30 pm,

Dear diary,
Well, I finally got a chance to speak to her, Christy I mean and I told her all about Robbin and my child but, I was surprised to hear her reaction. She told me she already had some doubts about it but, she wasn't clear about it so, that's why she went to research for his job by invading the police stations like a psychopath. She also warned me to not tell this to Andrea (maybe she's jealous that she was not the first one to tell me, though she didn't tell me the reason;) Also, Andrea kept visiting on weekdays which helped me a lot. Everything is going all right but, Phil hadn't shown up since last time. I'm so excited about completing my 8 months of being preggy but, the problem is that Robbin is coming back next month. Andrea will still be around and so will be Christy, I think I can make through this.
~Meldy Crew (Collins)

"Wow, suddenly, the villain turns into a hero" I gasped dramatically.

"Yes we also thought that Christy is the bad one but the bad one here is Robbin and...........his partner is still unknown," Alex said while pouting but why he was pouting. He can say normally as he always behaves like a know-it-all who doesn't give reactions easily but seeing him like this was amusing. (well he is a know-it-all but he doesn't need to know that) all confused and looking like a baby let me just get a quick picture.


"Hey, Shay what the hell, why did you took a picture of mine while pouting delete it or you will damage my reputation," he said again while pouting is he serious or some ghost possessed him, or is he high or something.

"Make me," I said while smirking

"Are you sure?" he said with no hint of fear rather with a smug smile

"Yes...I am" I said with a little bit of hesitation because this guy can do anything.

"Okay then don't regret it and don't tell me I didn't warn ya," he said while dialing someone's number.

"Hey, Mike how are you? Shay had a message for you he said that he wants to end this frien--" before he could complete his sentence I snatched the phone and hurriedly hung up on the call.

"ALEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING AAHHHHHHHHH" I shouted at him but he just shrugged and said-
"I already warned ya"

"I will delete your photos just don't do it again," I said while sighing because now I have understood that I can never win or revenge him after all he is 'My lovely Alex'.

"Okay my highness as you say," he said rolling his eyes playfully, and as I said I deleted the photo but only one he doesn't know I have 2 photos and we started reading again.

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