Chapter-4 "Son?"

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 The next morning, when I woke up, I found myself, lying on the floor but maybe I fell from my bed because I am a heavy sleeper. I groaned as my forehead started hurting again, I quickly got up and readied myself for the day. Today, I wasn't going to spare mom, I wasn't even over the fact that there was a creature existed with a name "Meldy", but when I was lost in my thoughts, I stumbled upon something and fell and now my leg hurts, way to go Shay.

All I know is there is something not good, but as I remembered yesterday I felt mixed emotions- anger, confusion, sadness. I'm not gonna spear both of them, the lady and mom, thinking about the idea of inquiry, I left the room and went straight in the kitchen and saw mom cooking casually like nothing happened yesterday.

"Mom?" I called from the back as I picked up an apple and started nibbling on it from one hand and ruffled my hair with my other hand,

"Yes?" she replied hesitatingly.

"Turn around," I said in a rather serious tone with my apple, still in my hand. As she turned around, I saw a worried expression on her face but kept my expression stern and voice deeper than usual. Technically, then the situation would have been the opposite if mom knew about my unfortunate trip to the isolated road.

"Who was that lady?" I asked with all in my power to keep my face stern.

"I--I--don't--" she stuttered as she spoke.

"Ok, now tell me the truth"


"Tell me the truth," I said (almost yelled). She sighed in defeat, but before she could speak anything, a very strong smell of burnt food interrupted. She turned and started sprinkling water on the pan, the whole kitchen got covered in fog so I moved out, dropping my apple on the way while coughing with both hands on my neck. Sitting on a vacant couch, I ruffled my hair and rested my head on the back. After a few minutes, mom also came out with her hair all messed up.

"Mom, you ok?"

"Never better, " she replied with a wink and I groaned.

"Ok--" but I was cut off

"Shut up! And tell me how did you get this wound!" she was enraged as she finally noticed the band-aid as she pinpointed out it on my head. Suddenly, all color drained from my face, the exact thing happened which I never wished, the total opposite of the previous scenario.

"And where were you the day before yesterday?" she asked even more furiously this time.

"Uh... Mike called me... For the group study... And to discuss... Yesterday's incident..." I stuttered as I spoke. " I have to go bye" and with one last glance at mom, I yanked the door and left before she could even react.

I wandered on the street, with no idea whether to call Mike to give him a bone-crushing hug for saving me (actually, my bones can get crushed while hugging him) or to visit Jeremy and ask him about his throat which almost got choked because of that lady. But as I was walking, I thought about paying a visit to our cinnamon-roll Anna, which will relax us both.

Mrs. Creed welcomed me with a warm smile and led me to the small library inside their house where Anna was sitting.

"Hey, Anna!" I called cheerfully as I entered the room. Anna almost jumped on her couch with her book, in her hand

"Hi, " she greeted me with a soothing smile.

"Which book?" I asked, glancing sideways to get a glimpse of the cover.

"Life and death," she said as she showed me the cover.

"Ooh, I love the book! Can I also read?"

"Sure!" she agreed and pointed a finger towards the left corner as she spoke, "I have a copy of the book"

I took the book and sat on the couch and started reading it, as I guessed, spending time with Anna was the best, we both talked occasionally while reading about, or say, argued (a friendly one, of course) about team Edward or Jacob, I stood for Edward but Anna was more about team Jacob.

It was almost dark when I bid my goodbye to the Creeds and left the place.

On my way back home, I thought about how mom would kill me when I will go back and what can she possibly ask about the wound, my mind was all scattered with thoughts that could practically give me a trauma or something......

But as I walked, I again, came in front of that unfamiliar road which, now seemed as if I have some connection with the place even though I got hurt there and the lady living there tortured my mom. But just then, I suddenly got reminded that I told the lady to meet me and without any second thought, I started walking towards that way.

As I walked through the dark road, I decided to explore it further before meeting her. But before I could go further she just pulled me inside and locked the door. I was like is she mad or what? I came here to talk to her not to get kidnapped by this lady.

But as if she was reading my mind, she said "I am not going to do anything to you and after our talk, you can go" I was relieved, but there was a glint in her eyes and a smirk on her face which she masked it as soon as it came and now had a blank expression but I shrugged it off.

"So what's your name again?" I said, breaking this awkward silence with a stern face and voice deeper than usual with an intimidating look.

"Oh, so your so-called-mother didn't tell you about me? how sad". She said in a mocking tone as if she was challenging me on something.

I scoffed at her "Oh, just shut up and tell me who you are, and what do you want from me and my mother?" I asked her.

She had her blank face on and said rather in a calm tone, "I am Christy Ansley and--"

Before she could say further someone was banging on the door very aggressively as if that person will-- Oh my god that person just broke the door, before I could even think of it. the person saw me from head to toe and then straight in my eyes, I held my ground and started back but I noticed this person was a cop with pale skin and handsome features around this "lady's" age but after few minutes when the realization hit Christy,  she shouted on top her lungs and said "What are you doing here I told you not to come!!" shivers run through my spine as I heard her and looked downwards. my head hung low and when he replied it just shocked me and I froze at my place.

"Can I not come to see my son, huh!?"

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