Diary pt-2

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13th April 1985,

11:30 pm,

Dear diary,
I'm so frustrated, Christy just keeps getting on my nerves! She is acting so suspicious for a few days now, she ignores me whenever I try to talk to her but, this is not the case with Robbin. Although I know that he loves me but, she acts like I don't even exist!. Also, Robbin is so busy with his patrolling after all he's a cop that he barely stays at home, and staying under one roof with Christy is like. Living with a dead body, that girl is such a disaster. I know we're sister's but girl c'mon.

I also found that.......I'm one month pregnant!!! But I will keep it a surprise for rob.
~Meldy Crew (Collins)

  I flipped the page again and saw some random doodling and a drawing in the middle, the drawing was horrible though but, there were 2 girls, one with a sword and the other was probably on the floor and was begging, above the sword girl, it was written 'Meldy' and above the begging girl, there was written 'Christy'.

"Dude, this Meldy girl is so bad at drawing" Alex chuckled.

"Just like you" I teased him.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes.

"But, I don't think that Meldy had a child," I said.

"Maybe it could have been a  miscarriage or something" he shrugged.

"Maybe..." I repeated.

"This drawing," I said as I pointed towards the ridiculous doodles.

"Yeah, I know, this is so funny" Alex laughed.

"No, above it" he bent a little forward to get a clear look of the thing. "It's written Meldy here and Christy here, but Christy told me, that she is only Meldy" I moved my finger on the drawing.

"Mr. Dumb boy, she can lie" he spoke with an amused look on his face.

"Why though?" I mumbled as I turned the page.

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