Chapter 57: When Lies Unravel

Start from the beginning

Every muscle in my body freezes at that name.


That son of a bitch.

"Send her up, and I want you to escort her." I spit, before promptly ending the call.


"Fuck!" I yell, throwing my phone across the room.


A knock on my office door pulls me out of my haze of anger, and I reluctantly yell, "come in!"

I look up from my desk to see Alistair standing next to my bitch of a sister. "You may leave." I say to Alistair, and he nods his head as he leaves, closing the door behind him, leaving me to deal with her.

"Katerina." I grit. She wears a tight black dress and a suit jacket over the top. Her signature red lipstick, stains her lips and her black hair is tied back into tight braids. I'm ashamed to even be related to this woman.

"Matteo." She says as she takes more steps inside my office.

"How about you get straight to the fucking point." I state, and my voice comes out in it's business, authoritative tone.

Katerina's face sours and she flicks one of her short braids over her shoulder. "I've come to make sure you've received the message."

The message.

Harry's message?

Ever since I received the very first threat to Mia's life from that fucker, I have grown a strong hatred towards him. And when he had met me for that dinner, explaining to me in detail just what he was going to do to ruin my life and Mia's, I absolutely lost my shit and stormed out of the restaurant.

I haven't told anyone that I know who the messages are coming from, not even Dante or Alistair.

"You--You're working for him?" I stutter.

Is my own sister working for the fucking enemy? I always knew my sister was petty, the lowest of the low, but never did I think she would do something such as this. Never did I think she would betray everyone she has ever known, even if she despised them, just as much as they despised her.

"I don't work for Harry, we simply have the same goals."

"And what is that?" I spit.

"To take you down." She says simply. "You ruined my life, I simply want to return the favour. Harry wants what you have, he wants the mafia. And he is going to take it from you."

"You are not allowed to act the victim Katerina, what you did is unforgivable." I growl.

For a second, her face falters and her eyes soften, but then she hardens once again. I thought I was the one most similar to our father, but Katerina is just as cold and heartless. "It doesn't matter, Matteo. Everything is happening, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Harry will get what he wants."

I shake my head. This woman is delusional.

"As I was saying, I am here to make sure that you got the message."

"I could kill you right here, right now." I seethe.

"Yes, but that won't change anything, and I know you wont kill your own flesh and blood." She taunts.

"I will not be taking Mia to that funeral. Harry can kill her over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." She smirks. "How is Mia taking the news? I suppose she's hating you even more, knowing that you are the reason her friend is going to die..."

Clenching my jaw, I look away from my sister and out onto the New York city view from my window.

I hear her chuckle. "You have a few days until the funeral. I suggest you think your options through."

"Leave." I order and I listen to her footsteps exit the room, my door closing quietly behind her.

When I received the first threat from Harry, I had no idea who he was. I did my own research into him, and discovered that he was the son of Roman, a product of a one night stand and entitled to none of his father's fortunes. Though as I dug further into my research, it seemed that he had become quite successful in his father's company, however I couldn't find much relating to him in the mafia.

Though, I now know what Harry wants, and he's doing everything in his power to get it.

And the worst part is, he has everyone wrapped around his fingers. Even me.

My ears perk up at the sound of a high pitched cry and I instantly bolt from my office down the hall and to the kitchen.

My eyes land on Mia who stands with the hands over her mouth and tears streaming down her face. She looks shocked and terrified. And standing in front of her is my horrid sister.


Mia's eyes glaze over me, looking me up and down. Her body shakes and she looks horrified.

"I told you to leave." I bellow at my sister, and she gives me one last look before leaving through the front door, with Alistair following behind.

I turn my attention back to Mia and take long strides towards her, but she only takes steps backwards. "What did Katerina tell you?"

"You--You lied to me." She stutters. "You were going to let me think Alice was dead, until she truly was... Matteo. And--Who the fuck is Harry?"

"Mia, I was going to tell you. I was... This wasn't meant to happen." I run my hands through my hair.

"Who, the fuck is Harry?" She repeats, accentuating every word. I can see the pure rage within her eyes, and while tears still stream down her face, she looks like she could murder someone in this moment.

"He's your brother." I state.

I watch as Mia's face falls.

"No... My mother doesn't have another child... She doesn't-"

I cut Mia off. "It's because he isn't your mother's son. He's your fathers."

"But-" Mia blows out a breath, her eyes so wide that they look like they could pop right out of their sockets.

I take a step towards her. "Mia... I know Roman is your father."

Hey Guys!
I know this chapter and the previous one are hella confusing so feel free to ask any questions, and I will answer them as best I can.
Thank you so much for being so supportive, you guys are literally so amazing!
Love ya'll!

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