-+*Chapter Thirteen*+-

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Sugawara's POV

I open my eyes to find Daichi on his laptop across the room, "well, hello, sleepyhead." I rub my eyes and sit up, "what time is it...?"

"Uhm..two forty five am."

"And you're still up?" I get up and walk towards him and he smiles softly, "yeah...kind of." I sit next to him and I rest my head on his shoulder. He was typing on a blank google doc.

"What are you doing?"

"An essay for school."

"School?" Is he in college? I intertwine our fingers and he rests his head on top of mine, "you're still tired, Suga. Go back to sleep."

"You need rest too..."

"Give me another ten minutes, okay?"

"Mhm..." I get up only to get pulled by my arm into a kiss, "go to sleep, okay?" I nod, "mkay..."

* * * *

After about ten minutes, I feel his arms wrap around me. Another weird sense of nostalgia runs over me. It left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"You're not asleep are you..?" I shake my head, "no..." He pulls me closer, "why not?" I stay silent, trying not to talk too much...nostalgia makes me feel sick...for some odd reason. Always has.

"Are you okay?" I nod, "mhm..."


"Nostalgia." I whisper, he breathes in and out, "is that good?" I'm silent again as I turn around, still in his grasp. I keep my eyes shut and my breathing steady, the taste in my mouth finally tasting less bitter.

"I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Mhm...it's 3 am...go to sleep now..." A chuckle comes out of him, "fine."

* * *

I open my eyes again, my body alarm waking me up, my guess is 5:30 am. I was still embraced in his arms, he was still asleep. I turn around slowly, so I was facing towards him. I listened to his controlled heartbeat as he breathed lightly. I wanted to stay here all day, but I didn't want to be late again.

I slowly slipped my way out of his arms and crawled off the bed. I put on another pair of clothes quickly, he let me go home to pick up some of my own clothing. I sigh as I frantically look for a piece of paper. As I find one, I grab a pen from my bag, 'I walked to work, I'll see you soon <3 -Suga.'

I look at him one last time, smiling before leaving.

This isn't supposed to feel normal. It isn't supposed to be....normal? What is normal? Because...I want that...to be my family...why?

Daichi's POV

I wake up to the coldness once again, having forgotten the feeling in the last couple days. I sit up and rub my eyes, looking on my bedside table to see a note, reading, "I walked to work, I'll see you soon <3 -Suga." All written in nice cursive. I smile lightly as I get up.


Knock Knock

I open the door to see..."R-Risa? What are you doing here?" I look around the house and see it relatively clean, only a few of Suga's things placed here and there.

"Hey! I'm back from America! Duh!"

"W-Why?" She tilts her head and shrugs, "A hotel room gets boring. Also, the computer screen gives me a headache." She didn't age a bit in the past year.

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