-+*Chapter Two*+-

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-TW: Drinking- (not heavy or anything.) - and cussing/language-

Daichi's POV

I lay in the cold bed as I feel myself remember what things were like years ago. Seeing him all these years later is different. He wasn't shy or timid like he used to be, he put up a front now. He had a smile on his face...I think I made him upset earlier...

As I tuck Mabel into bed and shut her door, my phone starts to vibrate, I look at the phone, unknown caller?

I answer professionally, "hello? Mr. Sawamu-"

"Hey, ass. In a couple of days it's Suga's birthday. I'm planning a surprise party and you're going whether you want to or not." Munnsun's voice echos through the phone.

"I don't think that's a-" 

"You know, he only put up a professional front in front of you because he's scared."

"W-What do you-" I was practically stammering at the point.

"He didn't tell me. He tells me he's fine, but...I've been his friend for over 10 years and I know lies. Anyway, you're coming. And I know you're all business-y and stuff but you have to, please?"

"I-I don't think that's a good idea...he seemed pretty upset to see me. Plus I have work and a kid and-"

"Daichi Sawamura. You're coming to this party whether you like it or not. Find your kid a babysitter and cancel everything. You're a manager right? You have somewhat a power."

"But what if I just ruin-"

"Oh trust me, I know you'll ruin his entire birthday. And him nor I will ever forgive you for what happened all those years ago. But I hate to see him in this same state again."

"No, Munnsun, I'm not going. That's final."

"Ugh...fine. Keep upsetting him then. Trust me when I say that he wants to talk to you. As much as I hate you, he needs closure."

"You're acting as if I-"

"As if you didn't disappear after shattering Suga completely, after he finally believed you finally loved him, and then not contacting me or him after a decade? Wow...I'm really overreacting, you may be an ass, but you're right."

"I could feel your sarcasm through the phone."

"Exactly! Please! Just to finally get him to be...Kōushi again? He's been "Mr. Sugawara" since he started in the daycare industry. I want Kōushi. Not Sugawara." I contemplate in silence for a while, "fine. I'll go to this surprise party or whatever."

"Great, June 13 at 7:30 sharp. No later. Okay? Great. Bye, Asshole." Beep. Well...I guess that's my plan...well, what have I gotten myself into..?




I walk in at 7:25, a little bit later than she asked for me to come beforehand. She hits my shoulder, "you're late! Come on!" She pulls me across the room to hide behind a kitchen counter. There was over 25+ people who came and I was honestly a little surprise. Munnsun can pack up a lot of people.

——5 minutes of silence and a few shush's——

"Surprise!" I freeze but Munnsun grabs my wrists and pulls me up, dammit. The lights turn on brightly and Suga squints due to his eyes trying to focus.

"M-Munnsun, I told you I didn't want-"

"Come on, Kōushi! It's the least I can do. Get a drink, relax, and talk to everyone you know." His glances connects with my stare and I look away quickly.

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