-+*Chapter Eleven*+-

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Sugawara's POV

He let me comfort him and distract him until a doctor came out. He immediately shot up and asked a million questions at once, along with Munnsun. I sat back and listened from afar.

"So the good news is, she is going to live! Uhm...she is diagnosed with Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. This is completely common in children her age. She has this disease possibly for having a small jaw, muscle weaknesses, or enlarged tonsils. She will wake up at least 15-30 times a night, but she should be okay." I look down at my feet and bite the inside of my cheek, ignoring everything else. There was a loud cry coming from a mother on the other side of the room, making me flinch.

I look up and see Daichi reaching his hand out to me, "do you want to go?" I look at the women and her husband crying, hearing more screams, "my baby! My baby girl! No!" I flinch again and nod my head, grabbing his hand.

"Did that worry you...?" I nod my head, still looking down. He moves me closer so we were now hip to hip. A weird sense of nostalgia went over me and it made me get a little emotional.

"Thank you...by the way..." I nod, "y-your welcome." I was still slightly shaken up from my anxiety. He tightens his grip on my hand, "I know you don't like it here...so thank you for that too." I smile and nod, "your welcome for that too."

* * *

He walks me out of the hospital, all the way to my car. We walked in silence as I tried to ignore the cries or cheers coming from people. Every time I'm in hospitals, I would try to filter it.

As soon as we exit the hospital, he whispers in my ear, "are you okay?" I nod quickly, "yeah, filtered out." He nods as we go back to walking, "are you okay?"

"Well, finding out my daughter is at least going to be okay is swell."

"I'm happy she's okay." I smile, turning around to face him as we reach my car, it was dark outside. The only light was the one's coming from the hospital and the light from occasional streetlights. He puts his hands on both sides of me, so I was unable to leave. He bows his head, causing me to lean back onto the side of the hood of the car.

"Seriously, thank you. You took off over eight hours of your day to come here for my daughter." I smile, "I'm just happy everyone is okay." He cups the side of my face, the sudden movement making me flustered. It's kind of crazy how he can still make me feel weak to my knees.

"I'm going to-" he continues but I grab his face and kiss him, soon having him melt into the kiss as well. The taste of bittersweet comes to my senses. He pulls away slightly, resting his forehead on my own, "Suga..."he whispers huskily, sending shivers down my spine. I kept my eyes shut as I let my hands fall off of his face. I needed that way more than what I thought...is that bad? The voice wasn't there anymore, telling me it was wrong. I let my heart do the talking way more than my head.

"I know I say this a lot...but you're beautiful." We both chuckle, "I have work tomorrow, I need to go..." he pecks his lips onto mine again, "will you come by tomorrow...?" I nod, "yeah, 5:45, I promise." He lets me go and opens my car door for me. I smile as I get in, "I'll talk to you later?" I nod again, "yeah, you will." As he walks away I sigh happily, smiling.


* * * *

I walk inside of my house, yawning. It was nearly 10:30 at night. I take off my shoes and hazily walk up the stairs. A loud ringing goes through my ears, causing me to lose track of my feet and trip, when I get up a sharp pain goes through my wrist. It was hard to move it and there was a bruise forming. Dammit...another sprain.

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