Chapter 22~ Meet my friend that came to live closer

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*Zayn's P.O.V**

    I just finished telling Perrie what happened between Tasha and I. She seemed more upset than she did mad. I didn't have the time to tell her before. She stormed out of the door and I haven't seen her for two hours. I know she would come back though. Or I hope.

**Tasha's P.O.V**

    Today is my birthday! Niall was still asleep. I decided to make breakfast for Maura, him, and I. I made bacon, pancakes, and eggs. Just as I finished making the pancakes, I realized we were out of syrup. Dry pancakes for breakfast. Yum! Maura came down the stairs and started making her plate. I guess I had to wake Niall up.

    Slowly, I went up the stairs and into the bedroom. Little snores came from Niall that was now completely under the blanket. I sat on the edge of the bed and he began to stir. He still didn't wake up though. I could see his cute face. I loved him so much. Just looking at him made me want to cry because he was so perfect. I laid my hand on his shoulder and he opened his eyes.

"Hey hun." He smiled.

"Morning. I made breakfast."

"OK. I'll be down in a bit." He said.

    I walked back down the stairs and check my phone to see if I had any missed messages. My friend had text me twice.

**Niall's P.O.V**

    I went down stairs and seen all the food. I was starving. I had to get Tasha out of the house.Quickly, I thought of a plan and ran into the living room where she was.

"Can you go to the grocery store for me?"

"Sure. Give me a list." She said.

    I grabbed the nearest pen and paper. I wrote random things down. I wrote: 'Candles, bread, cereal, milk, eggs, butter, syrup, cookie dough, ice cream, hamburger, Oreo's, crisps, soda, tea, oranges, potatoes, carrots, peas, corn, bananas, taco stuff, cheese, and turkey.' Then I handed her the list.

"We need this much stuff?" She asked confused.

"Ummm. No, but get it anyways."

    She turned around and walked out of the door. I quickly called all of our friend and some of the family. Within a few minutes they were here. I started giving out instructions and they started decorating. I was throwing a surprise party for Tasha.

    I invited my cousin that neither Tasha, Talia or I have seen since we were ten. He lived with me one summer and we were all best friends. His name is Chase Dawson.

**Tasha's P.O.V** (1 Hour Later)

    I walked into the house with my hands full of bags. My friend was right behind me. She came to England to live closer to me. We were best friends in grade school. Niall never met her though. The lights were off so i hit the switch with my elbow.

"SURPRISE!!!!" a lot of people yelled as they popped out.

    I quickly set the bags down and ran to hug Niall. He was standing in the middle of the room. His embrace was very warm.

"Who's that?" He pointed to my friend.

"That's Suzanna. She came to live closer to me."

    Niall introduced himself to Suzanna. Everyone started having fun and talking. I talked to Talia, Harry, and Liam for most of my time. Then I noticed a boy. Not just any boy, but the boy that I used to be best friends with. I walked over to him.

"Chase! I haven't seen you in forever. I missed you so much."

"Tata! Wait, I can still call you that right?" He asked.

"Yep! How are you?"

"I'm great. I came into town to see my favorite cousin. He told me that you two were dating now. I always thought that you would make the perfect couple." He smiled

"Awww. Thanks Chasey. Your so sweet. I bet that you would hit it off real well with my friend Suzanna."

"Your welcome love! I'd be happy to meet her." Chase said.

    I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the kitchen. Suzanna shortly came in. I introduced the two and they seemed to hit it off better than I though. I love it when I'm right. I left the room to go talk to Niall's family. None of my family could come all the way to England. I was talking to Greg when Niall came over and whispered in my ear.

"Get you jacket and meet me outside." He whispered.

    I went to the bedroom and grabbed my jacket. I quickly went back down the stairs and out the front door. Nobody noticed. I spotted Niall waiting by the car. I walked over to him and stood there.

"Lets go for a walk." He said.

"Someone will notice that we're gone."

"It'll be OK." His smile was so cute. I just couldn't say no.

    We started walking down the road towards the park. Lights were on the railings to the lamps. They were so pretty. We continued walking until we were on a bridge. The water below us flowed so peacefully. The lights around us made a glare on Niall's eyes. We stood in front of each other for the longest of time. Niall put his hand in his pocket and played around with something inside of it. He pulled out a ring and handed it to me. Engraved on it was 'Will you marry me?'. I kept staring at it. I was so shocked.

"Well, will you?" He asked.

"When is the wedding?"

"I knew you would say yes! I love you so much!" He said kissing me.

"I love you too."

    We walked back to the house and talked with everyone for about an hour. Maura had to go back to Ireland so she left early. Everyone else filed out of the door. I was really tired so I went upstairs and crawled into the bed. Niall came in shortly after. He crawled in beside me and snuggled close to me. 

"I love you future Mrs.Horan." He whispered.

    I remember him playing with my hair before I fell asleep.


Well, there you go. Awww its so sweet. I used chase! He is a real person. The pic that I put in is really him. He is one of my friends. OK. Bye! 

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