Chapter 18~ Will candles and crisps make it better?

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"It'll be OK. I'm sure he'll come back for you. And maybe you could go talk to him."

"He probably never wants to see me anymore. I got the best idea but it has to wait till tonight. He loves food and this could get him back." Tasha said.

"OK. I'm gonna go. I'll see you later."

    I walked out of the room and quickly text Niall. We have been arguing since yesterday. I told him that Tasha and Zayn didn't know what they were doing. He just told me to stop trying because he's not gonna apologize.

**Liam's P.O.V**

    The sadness was coming back to me. Yesterday, I almost called Danielle to ask her how her day was. Then I remembered that I wasn't dating her anymore. It's to hard for me to handle. I couldn't try to hurt myself again. The others would put me in a nut house.

**Tasha's P.O.V**

    The taxi pulled up to Niall's apartment. I walked up to the door and knocked but there was no answer. I peeked into the window and all the lights were off. I'm guessing he wasn't home. Perfect. I fished my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Quickly but carefully I got candles out of the closet. I grabbed a small set up table and ran out back. I put the candles on the table and ran back inside. I searched through the cabinets until I found a pack of crisps. Niall should be home any minute. He always makes an effort to get home before nine. I quickly lit the candles and laid the crisps in the middle of the table. Suddenly, I heard a car door. I ran Behind the table and waited.

"That's weird. My doors unlocked." I could hear Niall whisper to himself.

    I quickly text him to come out back. He stepped out of the door and stood there in awe. He didn't say anything though.

"Is it that bad. It's the first thing I thought to do."

"No. It's perfect. Just like you. Lets pretend nothing happened between you and Zayn. Will you be my girlfriend again?" He said.

"I'd love to. Under one condition. You never stare at other girls."

"Deal. Now give me a crisps." He said reaching for the crisps.

    We cleaned up all the things and went back inside. I'm sure Liam and Zayn wouldn't mind if I didn't come home. Niall popped in a movie and we cuddled on the couch. I felt wanted when Niall wrapped his arms around me. He was warm. I started to drift to sleep. Before I was completely asleep I felt Niall kiss my head and whisper "I love you and i'll always be here for you."


Sorry it's so short. I have writers block today. I cant write tomorrow. I'm going to see one of my best friends. He's so forking hot. Did I just say that? He better never see this. omj well... Bye!


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