Chapter 4 ~The Fight

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**Niall's P.O.V.**


    I ran down stairs after I got dressed. As I passed the bathroom, I heard some quiet crying. I softly knocked on the door. A soft little sigh came from the other side. At first I didnt know who it was but then I thought it was Tasha. 

"Tasha is that you?"

As she was still crying I heard her answer. "Yeah, its me."

"Why are you crying? Come out here and talk to me. please."

    I didn't think she was gonna come out. I gave her five minutes before I finally took the chance and went in. Tasha looked like an emotional wreck. If the word emotional wreck was in the dictionary, she would be the definition. Her make-up was running down her face and there were tissues all over the floor. I've seen her cry before but this time I couldn't stand it. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. She cried into my arms for exactly two minutes. 

"I'm getting your shirt messy." She said.

"It doesn't matter to me. Now lets go out to the couch and talk about this."

    I helped her up and led her to the couch. I didn't want to wake the others so I tried to stay as quiet as possible. When we sat down, Tasha was really silent. I disliked seeing her like this. I wanted to hurt the person that made her cry.

"Tell me what happened."

"Well first, I'm sorry that I came to your house. I tried to get into mine but then I remembered I forgot my key. So I was locked out. Second, Carter did this to me. In homeroom he gave me a note saying that he really liked me and that he wanted to take me to go out to a movie Saturday. Of course I said yes. Then at lunch I saw him making out with Alyssa. He told me that he only wanted me to show up to a movie on Saturday so him and his friends could embarrass me and I would be the biggest loser in school." By the time she finished talking she was out of breath and was crying harder.

"Go fix your make-up. I'll be waiting in the car."

"Where are we going? I'm not going back to the school." Tasha looked so worried

"Just do as your told."

    I grabbed my pair of sneakers and slipped them on. I walked out the door and to my car. Tasha shortly came out. when she got into the car I started it, and pulled out of the driveway. The ride was silent. When we got to the school I looked at my clock. It was 12:30PM. Second lunch in school was just starting. That's where most the kids go somewhere else and hang out with friends. Your allowed to leave the school at this time, just as long as you come back.

"Niall, I dont know what your going to do but can we please go back to the house?" I wasn't going to let her win


    I knew what Carter looked like because Tasha had pictures of him in her phone. I spotted him in the parking lot with a lot of other kids. I quickly got out of the car and walked over to him. Tasha followed me but stayed behind at least three feet away. Carter stopped talking to his friends at stood up straighter.

"Who are you?" Carter asked

"I'm Niall. We need to talk. You made Tasha cry, and nobody does that."

   He got in my face and lightly pushed me. I pushed him back and before I knew it, four other guys were all punching me. The last thing I remember before I blacked out, was Tasha running towards me crying.

**Harry's P.O.V**


    The sun peered through my windows. I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to go downstairs. I made plans with Talia today. We were going to the beach. I felt really bad because she had to skip school if she wanted to go. I got dressed and headed downstairs. When I got down there, Talia was watching a movie on the couch. I went over and sat beside her.

"Morning babe!"

"Morning! Sleep well?" she asked.


    Before we knew it the others were down here. We were all confused because Niall hasn't came down. Liam went up and checked his room but he wasn't there. My phone started beeping and I got the feeling that I should check the message. I usually don't.

It read: "Harry, get the boys. Hurry. Niall's hurt and bleeding and I'm crying and so confused. Were at the school." ~Tasha

    I told the others and we all headed to the school. When we got there we saw Niall and Tasha on the ground. We ran over to them and asked what happened.

**Liam's P.O.V.**


"NIALL! HOW COULD YOU FIGHT THE SCHOOL JOCK? YOUR SUCH AN IDIOT! I'm so sorry, I just made you feel bad."

    Niall was crying, his lip and nose was bleeding. His eye was already turning black. Zayn was handing him tissues for his nose. I cant believe that he thought he could take on Carter McLubber. Everyone knows he has a gang that would hurt anybody. Even I know that and I've only been to Ireland two times.

"Lets go home so Niall can get some rest."

    Everyone agreed and we all got into the cars. We headed to the house. When we got there Niall went to take a nap. Talia and Tasha both went home. This day was one of the worst day here so far.


My sister really wanted me to type my next chapter so I decided to. So happy that I could. Chapter 5 will be up tomorrow. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. bye! 


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